
Waiting for blood test after BFP?

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Af was due Sunday 8/3. I took 2 HPT, both BFN. Yesterday, 8/4, I got a VERY faint BFP on a cheapy store brand HPT. I took another this morning with ANSWER brand and got another BFP. I called my doctor to get a blood test, but my appointment isn't until 9/8. That's over a month away! Is this normal? How long did anyone else have to wait?




  1. That's how some doctors are, they want at least 2weeks after your missed period. You can call to see if they can just get you in for the blood test, most times you don't need an appt for the blood test as you just go to a lab. After the blood test confirms your pregnancy then you can go to your normal 9-8 appt. This is how all the doctors i've known do it.. Call up to your doctor and ask why so long and if you can just get in for the blood test.

    But if you got 4 BFN than i'd say your really are pregnant, it's rare to get false positives!! Congrats!

  2. That is definitely too long to wait. If you are pregnant, you need to be on prenatal care right away. If you've gotten 2 BFP's, then you are pregnant. False negatives are common, but not false positives. Call the doc back and say that you have two positive htps and need to set up for prenatal care. If the doc won't see you, find one who will.


  3. well usually the blood test should be bfore that, but the 1sy appt, thats correct, they dont see you until 6-8 weeks...congrats and good luck

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