
Waiting for someone to show up!

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Many times in my life! I've been arrange to meet a friend or friends at a place whether it's at a restaurant or coffehouse. We agree to meet around a specific time. And when I arrive around that time and wait for 30-45 minutes for that person or people to show up. Do I have a good reason to feel frustrated or feel that he/she or they having me wait is/are being rud?. Now I was raised in a different culture at home even though my family and I live in the U.S. Now is in American culture having someone wait for a long long time is not consider rude?




  1. im not sure if i can help u cus im from mexico and here mostly of the people come late to meetings well that is bad my friends are always kind of late too but not that much u should try to find another people to meet with, they are maybe just makin fun of u or somethin or u can try to arrive like 30 minutes after that time but that would make u be like them and that wont be good too

  2. I feel exactly the same way you do. I get so mad when I'm left waiting on people to show up to a place and their late.

    I have lived in America my whole life, and I was raised to be on time to everything. My parents taught me that if I'm late it is disrespectful to the opposite party waiting on me.

    I believe being on time or late depends on how you were raised. I have a friend who's father is late to EVERYTHING and I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree because she is also always late.

    I guess depending on the person it varies by if they think that being on time is rude or considerate.  

  3. I think 5-10 minutes is an acceptable wait, you know, because of traffic or whatever; 15 if you got a phone call from the person saying they were on their way.

    Anything longer than that, and you should just leave.

    Unless you're waiting for your boss or something. Then you're kind of stuck. :(

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