Back in March of this year I decided I should go to see a psychiatrist. I went to my doctor for a recommendation. My recommendation told me it would be months until I could actually see someone because there was a waiting list. My first appointment is supposedly in mid September.
To explain why I think I should go. I have suffered sexual abuse from my step father, as well as self-injury from myself. I'm very depressed and have been having mild suicidal thoughts.
My point is.. I've wanted help since F***ing March! To be perfectly honest it pisses me off to have to wait so long. I'm cutting, I'm bleeding.. and I have to wait for help?
I need a time killer.. nothing is fun to me.. I know all these distractions and activities, you know, to keep yourself occupied and positive. I've become apathetic I suppose..
What would you guys advise?
(Please don't tell me off for sounding "emo" -.-)