
Waitress' pet peeve...ARE YOU READY YET???!?

by  |  earlier

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One thing that annoys me as a server is when you have a table that asks for their check and you rush to get it for them, then they take forever getting it ready for you. What I mean by this is, once we give you your check we come back to take payment. Many times after dropping off the check the customer just sits there. I'll come back to pick it up & they'll say their not ready yet. So, I'll tend to my other table constantly checking on them so they are not left sitting their waiting on me to take their payment. Then I'll begin to feel as if I'm annoying them. Finally when they put their credit card in their check presenter they do not leave it on the edge of the table so I'll have no clue if they are ready to pay or not. How hard would it be to NOT ask for the check unless you are ready to actually pay & also when you are ready either get my attention(since I'm always in the vicinity of my tables) or simply just leave it on the end of the table so I am able to see it's ready to go??




  1. i think as long as i am paying to eat there and tipping you at the end of my meal, i should not have to hurry for your sake, you are hired to serve, not to rush me out, some times we like to relax a bit before leaving

  2. read my post about server ettiquette it will crack u up. It also explains what the system should be for campers.....:)

  3. A little thin skinned there. Lets see you are a SERVER. Hmmmmmmmmm wonder what that stands for.

  4. I totally agree. Whenever me and my family dine out, we are always ready to go with the check. Then after we pay for our meal, we leave. But if this helps, try taking a deep breathe if you get upset.

  5. check out


  6. I am a server myself, and that is one of the most annoying things, among many others. Customers honestly believe that you are there to serve JUST them, and are oblivious to the fact that they ARE NOT the only people you are waiting on, and they expect ALL your attention and want to be pampered. While I completely understand that when you go for a night out you want to be pampered, please understand that a server has many more customers, I know at my restaurant we have anywhere from 5-10 tables at any given time. And while as servers, we would really love to be able to give every patron the one on one attention they want, it is not possible.

    Customers have no respect for the work a server does, and I honestly think it is just to show that we are forced to do things on their schedule. A perfect example is when a couple comes in to a restaurant 5 minutes before closing, order soup, salad, appetizer, dinner, lobster tails, crab legs, desserts, drinks with no respect for the fact that the restaurant closed right as they got there,( and yes they did know because they asked, and I told them we closed in 5 minutes) then complained about everything they ordered, in hopes of a free meal, which they did not get.

    Customers, please have some respect for your server, as you could not enjoy a nice,sit down dinner without us!!!

  7. Some people a simply oblivious to how their actions impact others. One reason I never wanted to work in a restaurant.

  8. my brother was a waiter for years, so i've heard all sorts of horror stories of how people behave in restaurants. it's pretty sad. my theory on why people do this is because they simply don't care. they feel that you're doing them a service & they can act however they wish.

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