
Waitress job question....?

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Okay! I just got hired as a waitress (i've never had a job before) at a small BBQ place. I just need to know what to expect. I'm really nervous. I'm afraid that i'll write down something wrong and s***w up their order, give them the wrong change, or Can anyone with experience tell me what to expect...?

Thanks =)




  1. never think about the bad stuff

  2. Let me just start by saying a server has the best life in the world if you can handle it. you get payed everyday and the bond you have with the other servers is the best thing ever....and at the right resurant you make more money than most people.

    okay. because it is a small bbq place you might not get the real experence as a normal server/waiter. But i don't know. I can garentee thou that taking orders will not be your problem. neither will giving them the wrong change. Now a days the big thing you have to worry about is those spoiled people that think the world revolves around them. i.e. Extra ketchup, more sweet in low, a bigger spoon, a sharper knife, a cleaner knife, more tea because they drink like a camel....just to name a few. the other thing that you may need to worry about is when you get weeded - a term used to describe and overwelming feeling or being so busy you are just completly and uderly lost. This should not happen at a small BBQ place but if it does this is something that maker a servers life intimidating. DON"T WORRY. your fellow servers should help you out. Ah, you are a waitress, do not come to work with bad hair and no make up. my fellow servers did it and it discusted me. The cuter you look, the better tips you will get. I promise. Good service is a big part of it too. don't expect because you are cute you will get tiped. Oh, and don't play stupid. if you mess up on something make sure to apologize and take full blame. Don't blame it on the cooks, customers can tell. it will work out 90% of the time. Don't be too cute with fat woman. they hate pretty B&%# @es. Suck up to old people. If they tell you that you remind them of your grand daughter...SCORE. but most of the time old people don't tip well. um thats about it. i OH yeah and be nice to the cooks they will do there best to help you when you are nice and help them. Not to be stereotypical, but most cooks are mexican and are the coolest people you will ever meet. Again if you are cute, they will mess with you. Don't be offended. don't let them touch you thou. thats creepy. Maybe learn a little spanish this helps too. Este way (this guy) is really big in the resurant buisness. say it to the cooks, they think its funny.

  3. Congrats on the new job!  My advice would be, Step 1 is to RELAX.  The people who hired you obviously think you'll do fine, so you should think so, too.  However, you ARE going to make mistakes.  No one can learn a new job without making mistakes, so don't get down on yourself when you make them.  The point is, do you learn from them.

    Waitressing is all about customer service.  Your main job is to make sure your customers enjoy their visit to the restaurant.  This doesn't necessarily mean being the perfect waitress!  It means being NICE and making sure that they know you CARE about their experience.  Studies have shown that the most important factor in customer satisfaction is, how comfortable and happy did the customers feel.  So don't worry about making a mistake now and then...worry about, in general, are you doing all you can to make the customers feel valued and cared about.

    Now, with that said, you also have to be ready for the fact that serving the public isn't easy.  People can be very demanding and many times they love to take all their life's frustrations out on service people at stores and restaurants.  You'll be yelled at, blamed for things that aren't your fault, etc.  That's all part of serving the public.  You'll also probably be hit on, laughed at, judged harshly, touched inappropriately at times by customers, etc., especially if you're pretty.   It's all part of it, and if and when those things happen it doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong!  It just means that people are people.

    Your task is to be prepared for whatever happens and don't overreact to any of it.  Just do your best, be as nice as you can, and then go in the back and take a deep breath and remind yourself that you're doing great!

    I hope I helped :)

  4. If you know the menu and the chef's you should be fine.

  5. Just be polite and friendly and most people will forgive little mistakes. Study the menu and try to learn from more experienced waitresses at your job. If you pay attention when they place order and repeaT IT BACK TO THEM THERE SHOULD BE MINIMAL MISTAKES. gOOD luCK

  6. consolidate, smile, don't get in the weeds, bring the food... good luck! it's not as bad as you think it will be.

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