
Waitress or barista?

by  |  earlier

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which one gets most tips? If you've only worked at one, how much tips did you get on an average day?

what was is like working as a waitress or barista.... is it hard to learn all the stuff? is there some kind of trick to remembering everything...?

thanks for all the help(:




  1. i think waitress gets more. sometimes people don't even leave tips for baristas b/c they don't know they are supposed to. to me, if u'r friendly and efficient, i'll leave a generous tip. i was at a resturant and had an incredbily awesome waiter, i left ten bucks and didn't mind at all b/c of the awesome conversations he provided

  2. People are A LOT nicer to me in the coffee house, they are always appreciative of a good drink I get tipped very well, I make 30-40 bucks a day, 50 on a good day, and I love my job.  So I would suggest looking to work in a drive-thru, I think people appreciate the convenience so they always tip me well.  Note,I wasn't a waitress at a "real" restaurant but a deli...but remember you have to deal with cranky diners, sending food back, screaming babies, and you will be walking around all day.  Coffee houses are just generally a more friendly environment in my opinion.  And the drinks are not difficult to make, because its pretty repetitive.  Mastering the technique of pulling shots, making foam, etc. only took me a few days, and its pretty fun to do!

  3. I think a Barista does. Just from Experience !
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