
Waitresses, what was your best and worst customer?

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The one that treated you so good you didn't feel like you deserved the tip? Then there is the one that got you so messed up you wanted to charge them more just for being a jerk?





    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

  2. I have been a server for almost 6 years. Most customers will take care of you if you take care of them. There are however those meanies that are just relentless. For example, I have learned that I need to start giving out fake phone numbers because when male customers ask me for my number I usually just say I have a boyfriend or that I dont give my numer out. This one time though, would you believe it, this jerk walked out on his bill when I told him I had a boyfriend! I don't, but I was just shocked that someone would do something like that. Thank goodness my manager was cool about it and understood that I didn't do anything to make him leave he did it on his own but man oh man that was crappy. Then I had this one woman though she was just so goofy and it was a really uncomfortable table cuz they were just wierd but I was my bubbly self and I try to treat my customers how I want to be treated and she ended up giving me a $100 tip on a $70 tab! It was AWESOME! =)

  3. its allways thart way i had a guy in overalls in my fancy resturant i complimented him on them he tiped me $ 10, also waited on barbra streisand she complainned that the prices were too high on the menu !

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