
Waiver ? in fantasy football help ?

by  |  earlier

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when u add a free agent , and ur the first one , and other people also add him, who gets the guy, the first person who added him me, or other people




  1. There is a waiver order, in reverse of draft prior to season, then based on your record after the season.

    You do not know what other people are trying to get.

    you may want to make multiple waiver requests incase your first one is not available.  It will look at your first, if that is not avaialbe it will take your second.  For example    A for B could be your first  and C for B your second, and C for B your third.  If A and C are taken before your turn, the computer will take your third choice which is player A.

    If you would like to join an additional league at Yahoo free custom published leagues  Id 309461, pword 4  name Blacknblue  12 team, live, head to head.

  2. If your team page says waiver pending then it goes by your waiver ranking. 1 being highest 10 lowest. So it doesn't matter who claimed him first it matters who has a higher waiver. And you dont know if others added him. You'll have to wait and see.

  3. it goes to whoever has the highest waiver priority fore xample if a guy tried to add a player and had a priority of 2 and and another guy adds the same player with a priority of 1 he would get the player

  4. Most leagues it goes by who drafted lowest gets the first pick and then you go down the line. So, if you picked 10th you would have first pick initially then it would go down the line. During the season it usually goes by the  team with the worst record picks first and so on.  

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