
Wakeboarding Question??

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are Body Glove wakeboards any good: if not whats a good board for an intermediate level??




  1. body glove is a fine brand but if money is no object i would look into some of the cwb, hyperlite, liguid force, ronix, etc. pro models and also i would recomend a 143 size

  2. Body glove boards are fine for beginners, but if you are at an intermediate trying to go into advanced, I'd recommend Hyperlite, or liquid force.... also I have a buddy who rides a ronix and he really likes it, but hes at an advanced level and I haven't tried any of there intermidaite boards. Also if you are closer to the advanced side of intermediate I highly recommend byerly, I started riding one recently and I love it (I was riding a hyperlite drive before it, which is a great board as well)

    and for size, I'd say anything between a 139 and a 143 would be ideal, depending on the board and all that.

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