
Wakeboarding boot angle.?

by  |  earlier

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Im a really good skiier and an just recently purchased a wakeboad but I cannot keep my balance very long on them and I thin it has something to do with the angle of my boots. What angle shpould they be? And should I use a fin or not?




  1. When I was first staring out, the guy who sold me my wakeboard told me to start, face the boots out at a 15º  angle. Bolt them to the board in the second hole from the top.

    That's the best and most common way to start. That's how I started and I liked it, I only had to change it a little as needed.  

    Good luck, and as somebody else said, try the Indo board, it's pretty effective.

    Good luck and happy wakeboarding!

  2. learn with the fin until you have the basic body position and technique nailed then re-learn without the fin. stand and jump up bringing your knees to your chest. when you land look down at your feet. that should be how the angle of your feet will most benefit you on the board. its all about the distance from your knees to your hips to your waist and everyones different. but the way you jumped and lamded is based on your body build. I think i read somewhere that the angle averages between 9 and 14 degrees for most people.

  3. It took me a day to find the right angle. You have to keep adjusting and take mental notes on how it feels. You will notice the difference right away if you start with larger changes, then slowly dial it in. I would keep the fin untill you are good at using your edges for turning and keeping it stable. I also had to do this with my snowboard bindings.

  4. fins no fins it depends on what tricks your doing  or going to do  um........ boots well i have them  so my back foot is perpendicular to the board and my front foot is slightly at an angle toward the front of the board

  5. Good advice from the previous posts, I would just like to add that an Indo board can help with your balance, especially for learning to ride switch and riding without fins because you will become comfortable when the board breaks loose. Riding without fins will also teach you the proper edging to progress your riding. Fins over compensate for the lack of a proper edge which is counter productive. Takes some getting used to, but once you get it down you will never go back to fins (except molded or very small removable fins)

  6. Good advice from the previous posts, I would just like to add that an Indo board can help with your balance, especially for learning to ride switch and riding without fins because you will become comfortable when the board breaks loose.  Riding without fins will also teach you the proper edging to progress your riding.  Fins over compensate for the lack of a proper edge which is counter productive.  Takes some getting used to, but once you get it down you will never go back to fins (except molded or very small removable fins).

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