
Wakeboarding help!!!!!!!!!!?

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plz tell me all there is 2 know bout wakebording and skiing and tubing plese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





  1. to get up on skis draw your knees to your chest, put your arms on the outside of your knees. when the boat pulls you, keep your arms straight and your knees bent. do not pull the rope into your body or you will fall. turning is achieved by pressuring the skis. you'll have to play around with it to get it.

    to get up on a wake board i prefer to float the board up in front of yourself with the board sideways to the boat rather than parallel as stated above. pull your knees up and, once again i prefer, to have my arms inside my knees. when the boat pulls you stat in your squatted position. if you keep contact between your elbows and your knees to under arm area you should stay in a tight squat that, as soon as the board is up, you turn the appropriate side forward. (generally the foot you kick a ball with will be your rear leg) if you are on the ground and someone "gives you a hand up" is the motion you use to get up on a wake board. keep the handle low to your front hip. keep your eyes and chin up. if you feel the need to pull the rope toward your body, don't. push the handle down. turning is also achieved by pressure and angle, but keep the handle low.

    tubing- you don't do anything but get bounced around. if you do tube, i hope your driver is respectful of other boats pulling people doing real sports.

  2. Wakeboarding is the best sport ever, what it is is a board with two boots on it, like a snow board but on the bottom there is this thing called a rocker, there are 3 types, a Continuous (Beginner) and a 3-stage (Intermediate - Expert) and then there is a combination of the two... i think it is called a hybrid or something... to get up, all you do is sit in the water with the board parallel to the boat. put your knees togather, let your butt slide to the board as the boat takes off, pull the rope to your leading hip, and the board will turn... you also need to find out if you are left foot forward or right foot forward. have someone push you while you arent paying attention and whatever foot you step out with is the one that should be leading. the sport of wakeboaring is basically just crossing the wake with the most style possible...

    Skiing - All you basically do is keep the skis almost all the way together (Parallel ) tell the boat driver to go and hold the skis together while pushing against the water, and stay squatted until you are all the way up...

    Tubing - Pretty much all you do is hang on to a tube for dear life...

    Check out the wakeboarding instructional video its the second one from the bottom...

    Then tubing videos

    and then how to ski

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