
Wakeboarding need help!?

by Guest66668  |  earlier

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I want to start wakeboarding but i don't know where to start. What size board should i get i'm around 120-130 pounds and about 5 foot 8. Any tips would be greatly appreciated...but i guess i'm just gonna teach myself so any pointers would save me some time.





  1. with your size and weight, the board you should be looking to get would be a 134cm board to a 136 cm board, wakeboard sizing is based entirely on your weight, not on height. until you hit 160lbs, this is the size board you should be riding on.

    as for pointers..

    the absolute hardest part of wakeboarding is learning how to get up. but once you get up, it feels so natural, so dont get frustrated if it takes a few tries...

    to begin this, sit in a ball position with your knees bent and your butt hitting your heels... your arms should be bent around the outside of your knees so that you are holding the handle in front of you..

    when you are ready... keep your body in the ball postion while slightly pushing the board ahead of you.. as soon as your board planes, turn it to the side you are comfortable with and pull the handle to your front hip. many begginners have a problem of edging outside of the wake without meaning to.. to correct this.. let go with your back ahnd to keep your body aligned and stand up straight with about 60% of youre weight on your back foot, 40% on the front...

    once you're ready and comfortable to go outside the wake.. you'll probably feel more comfortable going out to your heel side first. to do this, act like you are sitting in a chair or act like your standing on the balls of your feet and keep the handle close to you, this will improve the control of your board. to go out on your toe side edge, act like you're standing on your toes but the important thing to remember is keep your chest pointed towards the sky and the handle close to youre front hip.. once you have this down, its all muscle memory and youll get better and better the more you practice..

    good luck, hope this helps.

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