
Waking Up To Strange Smells in the middle of the night...paranormal?

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Has anyone ever woken up kinda choking or coughing to a strange bad odor, very strong (like garbage or something you can't describe), feeling disoriented and discovering your husband (or whomever is sleeping next to you) didn't smell what you did? Is this related to paranormal stuff? Please help, I'm kind of getting crazy about this, it's happening to me so often now. Thanks!




  1. I think there may be a simpler explanation.A bad odor like garbage.Like perhaps methane?Is it possible this is a smell of yours or your partners creation?Methane released from the human body while  natural.Can be quite awful odorwise.

  2. Ask your doctor about it or at least post this question in the medical section here, I have read that smelling things that aren't there can be a symptom of something wrong with your health, there is no reason to think that it is paranormal.


    Do any of the neighbours have automatic sprinklers that water their gardens with bore water? I woke this morning at 5am smelling our stinky sprinklers and thought of your question :-)

  3. This 'could' be paranormal-related but perhaps equally probable could be something of mundane origin or a medical-related constancy.  

    My first inquiry is, does this occur only during the middle of the night, precisely during this time -- in which event, there is both a paranormal explanation and a medical one?

    There does occur certain precise times of the night when one is prompted to wakefulness, say, 3am or 4am.  But as precisely can certain nutrient deficiencies cause such odors to ensue as per certain biological rhythmias.  Or a developing medical disorder could be ensuing that tends to make itself known only during these hours or at least you become aware at these hours.

    In any case, you are best to inquire with those who might know and who are familiars with these things -- say a health professional or a person who is reasonably adept at paranormal activities.  

    You 'can' find these out provided that you have the initiative to do so.  Just don't be timid.  The finding of anything rests with you putting focus and effort into finding these out for yourself and to your satisfaction.  Once this occurs, you come to know intuitively the answers and are then led to a resolve to your questions. That's all.

  4. i'd say you have a farie (or elemental) or a demon haunting your house.

  5. Possibly.

    I've read that when you smell things (such as wood burning but there is no fire) there can be demons.

    Either that our you have some rotting food.

  6. Stop him from eating that much baked beans before going to bed. People are not very sensitive to their own gas smell (and perhaps would flatly deny delivering flatus galore in the bedding), but their spouse would be.

  7. I don't know if the smell of garbage is paranormal, but it could be possible. Very often ppl tend to smell roses when there are absolutley none around as well as the smell of baking, smoke or tobacco, when again, no one is smoking or cooking or there aren't any fires, which has been linked to the paranormal. It could even be a perfume that a loved one who passed may have used, and no one uses it, so yeah I guess the smell of garbage could be one of them.  

  8. Well, if you want the paranormal view of it, there is a theory that ghosts can emit phantom smells, which resemble what the ghost smelled like in life.

    Other than that, if you are a smoker, the sensors in your nostrils can be warped and you will smell things differently than non-smokers.

    Also, we all know how nasty night time breath is. You could just be smelling that, lol.

    Hope  this helps!

  9. You might have a sinus infection

    Or a sour stomach.

    I would definatly check those things out first.

  10. sometimes my mom will smell, but i dont smell it or vice versus. not paranormal.

  11. sorry i farted

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