
Waking up in the night... preventions please?

by Guest57207  |  earlier

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I don't want to take any sleeping pills not even natural ones. end of. But the difference between my wakings up and other peoples is i believe in spirits and such so get scared... I'm not scared of the dark just what it brings... sounds funny but please no answers saying please don't tell me you beliebe in that cr*p so i wait til the it gets light at bout 5.30 and i ussualy wake at about 3 so i loose more than 2 hours sleep. It is the school hols and i have heard that watching alot of TV can casue this.... i dn't watch that much but an increased amount since the hols (when it started) it has happened every night so far... i cut down on the amount i watched but no luck. Is there anything else that may be caushing it... I also heard of calcium deficiencyies casue it but i have lots of calcuim so no luck there.




  1. Meditate before you sleep

  2. Well natural melatonin (which is a hormone already in your body) is the best thing....doctors recommend it over any other sleeping pills. They have a 5g dose and you can get the timed release to help you stay asleep....

    melatonin is the natural hormone in your body that makes you tired...EMF rays from the tv and computer cut down on this hormone in your body, so you need to get off the computer and stop watching tv at least 30 mins before bed time.

    Spirits? Well I don't think they are waking you up... I think they're busy enough in heaven and h**l doing whatever they do, probably not hanging around earth after death...

    If you're having a serious problem and you don't want to try melatonin, then drink some hot chamomile tea before bed and cut out tv and comp 30 mins before bed...if you still can't stay asleep, see a doctor or a holistic doctor...

  3. i believe in spirits and dont belleive its c**p to believe in them, i believe in them too ive dun several ouiji boards and had good experiences. i think your best bet would be to gu and see an hypnotist who will help you overcome the problem , n ul be able to sleep at nite,.  

  4. If i was you i would take the time you are awake to learn to spell, this is the senseless sort of question which makes this a c**p site. Thank God i only come on here when i am pissed, it is not holidays you need but some teaching in English.

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