
Waking up to a black shape and a pair of eyes???

by  |  earlier

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Last night i woke up and saw what looked like a large black scribble in front of me, but this soon changed into a faded pair of animals eyes (similar to a panther) in front of me staring at me. I could not move at all and i couldnt shout for help, then i felt as if i was slowly being lifted off the bed.

Can anyone offer me an explanation to what has happened?




  1. You were probably astral projecting for a moment and that black scribble and eyes was an astral being.

    But, I don't know. Maybe I'm completely wrong.

  2. It could have been a demon spirit. Hence you need to pray and ask Jesus Christ to protect you and your family from all harm and danger. By praying I mean simply going somewhere privately and just talk to God (like you would a normal person) and ask him to protect you. If this happens again you need to command that demon to leave you alone in the name of Jesus Christ. By commanding them I mean telling them forcefully as if you could see them (like you would a human being) to leave you and your house alone, using the name of Jesus Christ. If this continues my best bet would be to ask a pastor for his advice on the matter, ask him to pray for you and you can ask him to bless your house as well.

  3. I know someone who has had a similar experience. They feared it was a demon. And I've heard other stories with basically the same thing happening to the person. I don't really know what it is exactly...but there are other people that have seen the same thing you have. I can imagine that'd be pretty freaky!!  

  4. It might just be one of those SLEEP PARALYSIS. It's not uncommon. It usually happen when the body is so tired -  especially the legs. If it keeps happening, try sleeping on your side or rest before sleeping. The more rested we are before sleep the more restful our sleep is.

  5. This will explain it:;...

  6. Could be quite a few things, from you still being asleep and dreaming it, or like she said, you astral projecting and seeing something.

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