
Waking up your hamster.?

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Is it bad to wake up your hamster when it sleeping?





  1. get a hamster alarm clock with pleasant hamster wake up music

  2. its kind of scary to them would u like it if i giant hand grabbed u when u were sleeping?

    wait till it wakes up so u can play with him/her it would made it much happier o-o.

    but for MY hamster when i wake it up it doesnt mind o_O;

  3. You shouldn't wake them up they will be cranky. And they are nocturnal nad if you wake them up alot there schedule will get messed up and they will die. So play with her when she is awake or at night.

  4. yes. hamsters are strictly nocturnal and schould never be wakened. you have to learn to work around your hamster's schedule.  waking him up will make him angry, stressed, and possibly ill, which may lead to death.

  5. Yes because they may nip or bite you because they are irritable.  Just leave them alone for a few minutes to wake up, then pick it up as usual.  Try to play with your hamster(s) at night because they are awake then- they're active at night.

  6. Hamsters can get very irritable if awoken from a deep sleep. The better thing to do would be to gently bump them with something or if they are sleeping in one, move their house. It will awaken them and they will know that they can trust you. It is not HARMFUL to the hamster to wake them up while they are sleeping but it does get them very irritable and they could possibly attack (bite) which is their way of attacking. I hope i helped!!!

    The rodent guy.

  7. It's not great.

    Would YOU like to be woken up when you're sleeping?

    It's best to gently wake your hamster in the evening, NOT during the day. Wake them gently, leave them alone for a couple of minutes, and then you can start stroking/handling it.

  8. yes they tend to get cranky and will bite you more often if you do.

  9. Yes, they might bite you.  Let them sleep!!!!

  10. I work odd hours and my time is limited.  Sometimes my little ham would sleep right through it and then be up and awake and wanting to play when I'm long gone to work.  So - yes, I do wake up my hamster from time to time.  its only fair, she throws food on her wheel and runs in the middle of the night when I'm sleeping sometimes too.  Actually I tease a little but when I first got her I did have to get her sleep routine to include being awake when I was home so that I could let her out of the cage to play.  Now she wakes up automatically in the evening at the right time - after we play, I go to work for the night and she does whatever evil, world domination things hamsters do in the middle of the night when no ones watching.  Point is - waking up your hamster to get it into a routine isn't a bad thing.  Randomly waking it up at all hours just to watch it blink annoyed eyes at you - that's different.  Hams like routine and its not going to kill them, or even stress them out, if you change their sleep schedule a little as long as you keep in mind they are naturally nocturnal and don't go crazy on the eight in the morning wake up calls.

    My hams usually wake up when I talk to them so you don't actually have to involve risking your fingers at all.  I don't like touching them anyway to wake them up.  I've never been bitten but it does startle them and that's a lousy way to wake up.  If the talking doesn't work, you can lightly blow on them.  Try to aim for their side or something other than their face.  If they're sleeping under something, you can generally lift it safely and calmly away from them and if they're in one of their tunnels gently moving the cage slightly is usually enough to rouse them.  Plenty of ways to wake up a ham that neither scares them nor risks your fingers.  Just be gentle and kind about it and sensible most of all.

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