
Wal-Mart Supercenter Questions...?

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I live near a Wal-Mart Supercenter and I'm hoping to get a job there someday, so I have a couple questions. And please don't tell me I shouldn't work there and that Wal-Mart is an "evil" place...

What do they pay their employees?

Which positions are available during night-shift? (and what are the night hours?

Thank you




  1. if you mean working overnight - it's 10 - 7.

    positions avail. stocking, maintenance, cashier.  They don't have 'sales associates' per say on the overnight crew.

    pay depends on previous employment experience (not necessarily in retail) and you get paid more hourly by working overnight.  It also depends on where you live....different states have different pay, even different cities that are near ea. other have different pay scales.

  2. It differs greatly on where you live.  I am in the Phoenix area and the base (start) rate is $8 an hour.  If you work nights, 10-7, you get an extra $1 on top of the $8 an hour plus an extra dollar an hour if you work Sundays.  

    After every year you get a performance evaluation upon where you earn a meets or exceeds expectations.  To get a meets, you basically have to meet minimum expectations meaning you are lazy and don't like to work but do enough to get by upon where you will earn a $.40 raise.  An exceeds garners you a $.60 raise.  If you decide to move up, a level 5 supervisor position will give you an extra $1.10 an hour, a level 7 position will give you an extra $1.60 an hour assuming you were hired in as a level 3.  (basic sales associate)

    If you decide that you don't like earning an hourly wage and would like to move into management, the base start rate for a metro assistant manager in Phoenix is $43,500 a year.  You can also earn up to a 20% (of your salary) bonus although I would guess that most managers out here earn 8-10%.

    After that, I am just guessing but I think a co-manager makes $70k and an average metro store manager makes $100k

    If you work hard and smart, you can move up pretty fast.  It took me 13 months to go from part-time sales associate (level 5) to assistant manager.

    Good luck!

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