
Wal-Mart is known for firer you if make over $11.00 hrs.?

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Although it known for doing this, why would anyone want to work for them? They promise you a future with them, they lie, so you will join up and work for them. Then when your making too much like over $11.00 hrs. then they will fire you for no reason. Then next new person come along, they hire new person for less then $7.00 hrs. Which my wife made that 8 years ago, for $7.00 hrs. Been know for this kind of problem. Their excuse is to keep price down, so they can sell it for a cheaper price to customer. Is This America for you?

Manager Have their picks who they want. This is no lie. I hope many across America take a stand and boycott Wal-Mart store. It need to be put out of service.




  1. walmart is a good company thatgives many peolpe jobs and makes live in many small towns in america affordable.

  2. Yes and they find creative legal ways to ensure the payroll grows very slow.  They protect brown nosers.  ducing payroll is one of 3 priorities

    Do a Yahoo search or Google these:

    1) Sam's Club 6625+management / 2) Sam's Club 6625+US military veterans //

    ESPECIALLY this one.

    3) Sam's Club 6625+FBI

    Also Yahoo search or Google these:

    Jared Bowen fired whistleblowing

    Tom P Noonan has AUTISM

    Sam's Club 6625+Tom P Noonan

  3. there will never be a mass boycott of walmart unless they are caught in some huge un-american scandal, and even then, people will still flock to their stores for Chinese prices. That is capitalism. You don't work in a place like walmart and expect to stay there for years without advancing to manager.  If you aren't  there to become a manager, find a better job. Walmart is a good place for a first job, or for school kids, other than that pshhh.   They aren't allowed to have a union, and can fire any employee that is caught with union organization papers, they have ridiculous limitations on their health care and can fine you for overtime.  Yeah,its that bad.  Unfortunatly the people who work at walmart are not listening to the people who buy their goods. they need to go on strike and form themselves a union.  that is the only way the workers at walmart will get a fair deal.  Yeah they play it off to say that the consumer would have to pay more for everything if this happened

  4. geesh......I know you're not in CA.  They start some people (depending on prior work experience) at $11.00 and hour!

    As for unions......Unions USED to be good, but not anymore - NONE of them!  Ask any employee of the grocery stores that went on strike a few years back and lost their cars, homes and paycheck!  My cousin worked for one of the stores for 30+ yrs.  did the friggin union help him?!?!? NO!  Don't be ignorant and answer questions you aren't qualified to.  Research unions compared to what they started out to do and how they have changed over the decades.

    Ask any of the teachers who are losing their jobs because of budgets how the union is workin for them!  Yet, they go ahead and join the union, pay their dues (I mean throw away good hard earned money) for what?  To get bent over!?

    There are no limitations to their benefits and what are you talking about they fine you for overtime?  

    And once again.....the Chinese are brought up again to make my point one more time......

    Name brand clothes you buy at JC PENNEY, KOHLS, MERVYNS, MACY's, VANS, PAC SUN, TILLY's, ad nauseum.......NOT FROM USA!!!!!  but not all from China either, some are from MEXICO, GUATAMALA, HONDURAS, are we bitching about these stores?? NO!  

    so, once again - don't answer a question you don't know the answer to...

    and to the questioner : Sorry about your misfortune.  Seriously, in any store if they want to get rid of you, they will.  That isn't the company, but apparantly one of the managers had a rif with your wife and wanted to get rid of her.  That happens in retail.  In any store around the world management can make or break it.  There are stores in my town where I will go to a different one (same company) because the people or the way the store isn't to my liking.  THAT is America - the freedom to choose where I go and where I don't.  

    sincerely sorry about your experience.

  5. I've worked at Wal-Mart for 6 years, and I've never heard of such a thing. Plus, I am a CSM and I make $15.50 an hour. So I don't know where you get your facts from, but you got lied to.

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