
Wal-Mart may contribute hydrogen stations at stores for fuel sell vehicle. Is it still possible??

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New fuel sell (hydrogen) vehicle Honda FCX is coming this summer in California, and BMW fuel sell vehicle are coming soon. Also, some of United State company are planning.




  1. Hydrogen is not for armatures. As u fill the tank with hydrogen the tank must be empty,if there is a little oxygen in the tank it can back fire into the tank and the tank will not hold it. If u have a wreck it will kill u and any body near.

  2. If Wal-Mart put in a nationwide system, there could be a real market for hydrogen powered vehicles.  It could be great for them too as they would be the leader in supplying fuel of this type.  They really ought to think about it as a great way to gain market share, look green and build for the future.

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