
WalMart bikes arent that bad for BMX racing!!!?

by  |  earlier

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They can go pretty fast because you can up grade them!!!




  1. by the time you've don all your upgrades, you've spent more than you would have at your LBS! also, the Mongeese at Wallywood aren't as good as LBS Mongooses. the economics of a Wallywood bike are just plain foolish. Wallywood excells at giving consumers the illusion of a great deal, when in reality they don't save a dime!

  2. I am finished wasting my time trying to convince you that bikes purchased at Walmart are not of good quality. Believe what you want.

  3. Wal-Mart sells a alot of Mongoose brand bikes. These are not up the standards of the older Mongoose bikes that were put out int eh 80's and early 90's.

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