
Wales - racist?

by  |  earlier

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my family and i visited wales once and the people assumed we were english and we extremely rude to us until they realised that we werent english at all.i asked whether the welsh in general were that rude or was it a once off why am i being branded a 'racist'?




  1. what?

  2. because you posts questions repeatedly which are aimed at verbally abusing British people

    as for sellafield there are alot of English and British people who are unhappy about it, But we don't have control over it, and your previous question promoted hate towards English people

    you are ignorant to what English people are really like, and this is obvious from your previous question about you thinking we English think we own the rep. of Ire, which we don't

    you are an angry and hateful person, and i suggest you go away, and petetion the UK Government again, because aggrovating it's people is going to get you nowhere, except get you labelled as an ignorant prejudice person which i think you are

    also, you single out just English people. This country is run by a UK government, not just an English one, so by you singleing out just English people, you are showing your prejudice towards us.

  3. we are not racist - we just don't like the fact that english people are taking over our traditions and heritage...for example the little village i live in is 70% holiday homes =( this makes us feel really pissed off so that is why people get the impression we don't like english people...we don't really like people who call themselves  who have lived here for about a year.

    also, in my opinion, the prince of 'wales' is pathetic because he is english and hasnt made any attempt to speak welsh. this could be classed as racist but i have nothing against english people only when they try and take over little villages and towns with there money .

    i feel strongly about this and it upsets me that not many people speak the welsh language and we live in WALES i know this is partly our fault but it doesnt help that english people move into wales.

    sorry if im having a rant but people class british as english and that pisses me off aswell .

    so basically, no we are not racist haha =) we welcome english people with open arms as LONG AS THEY DONT TAKE OVER AND BUILD HOUSES AND WRECK THE PLACE.

  4. Why do you hate the British so much,? I think altering your question to bring Welsh people onside might help.
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