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Where are all the BORING ENGLISH on here today?????????They are VERY quiet ;)

Does this not prove that without johny (boring kicking all the time)wilkinson the English team are c**p !





  1. Go s hag some sheep..or sing in the valleys.

  2. Try winning the world cup,  lost to Fiji,  you lost to Fiji.


    (nicked from planet rugby.made me laugh though)

  4. The English team wasn't without Wilkinson. He played badly and they probably would have had a better chance of winning if they had dropped him.

  5. Compare our records over the past 10 years dip-s**t...........

    We dont win so few games that we have to go on about it for a week when we do.


  6. The English are all STILL!! too busy harping on about the NOT try at the world cup!

    And we're getting lambasted for celebrating two days after ???????

  7. UK Action Man.

    Don't go on about the past 10 years. We beat you in 2005. Oh I nearly forgot we won the Grand Slam in that year (which is harder now that there a 6 teams instead of 5).

    And what about the years between 1968 and 1980, which we call the "Golden Years". Wales were the ONLY team in the world with players like Gareth Edwards, JJ Williams, JPR Williams, Barry John, Phil Bennet etc. and when the Lions were made up of virtually all Welsh Players.

    So don't go on about the past.

    We Welsh are always told that the past means nothing as it's the present that counts so take the hint and button it.

    To be Welsh is to be blessed with rugby in the soul and music in the heart

  8. It is always a pleasure to beat england I think every nation in the world feels that way.  as far as wales/england being c**p, its a fair point but you were not saying anything about a wales b team when you pointed out 60-5 drubbing.  so i'm afraid for once you have to shut up and put up.  we listen to english commentators saying how great a team england are and they didn't say much about wales over the weekend.  your a nation of sour grapes and sing when were winning (not all english, mainly the press which do the english people no kindness) as far as the rugby is concerned, 3 mediocre games and I hope things improve as WE all need to.  a result is a result and to beat england in england is a good day in anybodies book.

  9. Once in 20 years well done Wales

  10. wales were out-played in the first half

    gatland making a massive selection error... only when the subs came on did they play well

    however in the second half england went to sleep and had 4 injured players

    wales will have to play much better than that to beat france or ireland

  11. Well I never complained when Neil Jenkins' right boot  was the basis of the entire Welsh game a few years back. At least now you can print another set of T-shirts with the scores on like back in 1999 when you beat us by 1 point! I was living in Wales then you were all so gracious in victory lol

    I didn't catch the game so cant comment but congratulations to Wales on the win! :)

  12. jonny wilkinson was playing.  i think we are just c**p even with him.

    to be more acurate Wales were c**p but England were even worse, but at least we can only improve and make sure we kick your **** next year.

  13. Nah, they have been around all weekend mentioning the world cup etc.........just like the English footie fans still harping  on about 1966.

    Anyway, I thought Johny had a cr@p game on Saturday, as for Wales, it was a diabolical display in the first half, but the English must have fallen asleep and forgot that the Welsh never give up and have pride and passion..............still a long way to go and a lot of hard work to do!

    Neither team looked winners to me, both made some silly errors, especially the English, and they fell apart under pressure whereas Wales did the opposite!!

  14. england rocks!

  15. I agree, england is c**p (even with wilkinson). GO WALES!!!

  16. i can't imagine anything more boring than listening to someone speak welsh.

  17. You English, just cant stand it when you loose can you.

    Grow up, Britain doesn't revolve around England.

    When Wales,Ireland or Scotland loose we just except it, not like morons who write racist comments on here like SHAG A SHEEP ! not original ,you moron.

    That moron has now removed his answer.

  18. Go Wales!

  19. UK ACTIONMAN - Wales have gubbed your sorry arrses in 3 out of the last four 6 nations meetings.

    Caeau dy geg, cont bach salw.

  20. ahaha! YAY u rock

  21. Wales were mediocre in the first half, they made too many mistakes and were lucky to still be in the game after 40 minutes. England threw the ball about trying to force the game in the second half and it backfired bigtime. It just goes to show that the English rugby team have no flair or invention, but they do play a very boring forward orientated game which suits major championships. Good on yer Wales, you showed just where the English game is at present all over the shop.

  22. action man,when you win a game you dont go on about it for days.your go on about it for YEARS.well done WALES.

  23. I'm just glad it might have a good impact on the British Lions. Also might stop the england squad being so cocky?

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