
Wales won the triple crown yest and are on the verge of the grand slam yet all the media can talk about is?

by Guest32840  |  earlier

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englad it makes me sick




  1. Don't get me wrong, as individuals - the english are fine but...

    the broadcasting is so biased! The commentators talk about england in the middle of welsh games which aren't even involved. There is very little coverage of Welsh sport on the news etc I mena, Wales won the triple crown and are on the verge of a grand slam (again!) and the championship but all te media is tlaking about is the fact dear johnny-kins is dropped *roles eyes*

       It's often the case with the referees, ave you ever noticed a slight lean with some refs towards the more influencial side?

    Most matches we  complain to the BBC, all we get is empty promises.

    Gosh - good to have a rant

    Come on Wales

  2. Even after we beat them yesterday (i'm Scottish)?  That's a bit surprisingly to be honest.

  3. Well................what do you expect??? Most of the media are English. Makes me smile................ must be awful to be English when their team is playiing so badly and running out of steam in every match they play

    And ............. origam............ we are NOT bad losers and do not whinge when we are beaten by a better team.............. shame England cant learn by our example............. seems they are encountering a lot of better teams lately!

  4. BOO HOO the reason is most news/ sports coverage is English based so they tend to cover English things, plus they remember we WERE world champions and had a better run than any of the home nations in last years world cup by getting to the final not being knocked out in the first round,

    whoa there easy on my poor English @rse that's why i said WERE and i never said anything dirogitory about the Welsh game at the moment, i comment was mainly based at broadcasting organisations

  5. It's true the media always congratulates England on their wins and if Wales or Scotland win anything they always say british. Same in the War. If a welsh soldier dies it's British but if an English soldier dies it's English..

    We want Independence so we can be recognized for ourselves. I remember England beating France a fortnight back and just because they beat France they said and in a couple of week's the championship decider between England and Ireland. I mean what is that all about? Wales had jsut thrashed Italy. And have just one the Triple crown yet we will be ignored. When Wales beat England there was that stupid thing going around saying. Wales didn't win England lost? I mean if that was the case how come Wales. Bet Scotland who beat England. How come Wales beat Ireland and thrashed Italy who almost defeated England?

    Stop talking from your arses you wonder why people don't like you.

    Annibyniaeth i Gymru a'r Alban

    Independence for Wales and Scotland

  6. You are right for even if England are useless they get much more promotion by the media. Who the h**l cares if Wales win the Grand Slam next weekend.

  7. let me help you out here

    rough guide to UK population

    england = 50 million

    wales = 3 million

    thats why we dont have c**p like pobol y cwm on 7 nights a week

    stop bleating and enjoy the win you miserable git lol

    @ GOUCH THE GROUCH - lol no wonder so many people say the welsh are a bunch of joyless insular people - the guy below has it spot on

    and england have won it 25 times so back to the drawing board for you son lol

  8. Because people only care about England !

    Even the Taffys n Jocks care more about England than they're own country. They would rather see England lose than they're own country win.

    The English are more superior. End of. If we want our media to hype on about how we're the most important country in the UK we will.

    Nowt you Welsh n Scots can do about it I'm afraid. Either like it or lump it. Become English, then you'll be permently happy. :o)

  9. Not only are the Welsh bad losers, they appear to be bad winners too. Very odd people.

  10. I agree with you's awful that after yesterday's defeat of Ireland by Wales and Scotland winning their first game of the 6nations, all that the media want to talk about is how c**p England were.  I'm English and I love English rugby, and I know we've been c**p...we haven't looked like a together team since 2003...and I sit there watching all the matches wondering if it's possible for us to get any more sh^t!!!

    For the other England fans on here who are going on about how many times we've won in the past and all about 2003 and the fact we made it to the RWC final last year - WHO CARES?!!  It's about what we're doing now, and who's playing well now.  It doesn't matter about what we did too and how good we once were, all that matters is that now we don't play consistently, the manager can't decide who the team should be, and our team looks like they have never played together before!!

    Wales played their most important game of the 6nations so far yesterday and managed to beat a decent Irish team, at home, having only 14 men for quarter of the match!!  Shane Williams scored a beautiful try to become a record try scorer for Wales...and yet all they can talk about is Jonny's world record breaking kick on a day when he was probably the crappiest player on the pitch - how many times did he kick straight into Southwell's hands?!?

    Today France were pretty dismal against Italy, making it seem more and more likely that Wales will get their second grandslam in 4 years, and making it almost impossible for Wales to lose the championship (France have to beat them by 20 or more points to win it...)

    Yeah, England's c**p form is a big talking point, but I think more attention should be paid to Wales' good form, especially after that loss to Fiji put them out of RWC 07!  And the same with Ireland...they had a c**p world cup, but they are back and proving that they are still a top rugby nation!!

    As for the person who said the English commentators are biased, but Davies isn't...that is utter bollocks!!  I hate Guscott and think he's an arrogant tw*t so agree with you on that one, but Jonathan Davies is one of the most biased people on tv.  My Dad is Welsh and even he thinks Davies is too biased...he doesn't admit when Wales lose that it is because they were the worse team, he makes excuses for them as though they would have won if the ref hadn't been a c**k!!  Whatever...he's entertaining definitely but he's also Welsh through and through and it's very obvious when he's talking about any Welsh games...

  11. 'British' broadcasting my @rse!

    Should be renamed English broadcasting corporation.

    Cymru am byth!

  12. everyone knows the media will stick by england no matter what, they are expected to be the "leading home nation" yet they are not,all they do in the face of defeat is throw their toys out the pram and pass the buck onto whoever is not in favour at the time,whereas all the other home nations pick themselves up try and work out what went wrong and rectify the situation. Poor old englanders feeling a bit down are we??????  CYMRU AM BYTH!!!!! let them have the headlines it makes me giggle anyway.

  13. Totally agree

    SNOT ME - do you also remember the record run of losses England had AFTER the 2003 RWC?

    Your team are not good - Wales have beaten you in 3 out of the last 4 meetings. Get over it and face facts - your rugby team is sh ite, your football team is sh ite, and your cricket team is sh ite.

    TUDDY - by the way, just to educate you and the rest of England....Wales and England have won the championship 22 times each, France 16 times, Scotland 11, and Ireland 8. There have been 25 occasions when the championship finished in a draw, or there was no tournament due to war. Also there was no competition in 1972.

    In the 1970 decade, Wales had 3 Grand Slams and were narrowly stopped getting a fourth by France, also one Triple Crown.

    Go back to your cross-stitch or your premiership football.

    Your football and cricket teams are pathetic also.

    EDIT: for you English clowns figures came from memory, so I'll admit I was slightly out. Wales have won 23 compared to England's 25. however, with a population of about 10 times that of Wales, that is not a great achievement.

    Before professionsal rugby union, Wales had the highest percentage of players defecting to rugby league (average 15%), and this excluded these players from playing in the national rugby union side.

    I don't know why you're denying it - your team is woeful, and your fans arrogant. Your football fans are known globally as violent and disgusting, and your cricket fans may as well not exist.

    Your attitude in defeat as well as victory is a shame to such a good sporting game - is it any wonder every other team in the world can't stand you, in every sport you can mention?

    TUDDY, by the way Pobl Y Cwm is better than Eastenders, Hollyoaks and Coronation St.


  14. Wales will win the grand slam they are the best team this time, and england just are'nt good enough

  15. That's what the NATIONAL papers of the UK are all about!

    HARD AS NAILS! The Western Mail is a WELSH publication for WALES, unlike The Daily Mail, Mirror, Sun, The Independent etc, they are the publications for  England and Wales, allegedly!!!!!!

    I do believe that Scotland and Ireland have their own versions of these, I maybe wrong, if so, then they are being biased against them also!

  16. Where are you looking?

    The home page of the BBC Rugby is mostly about Wales.

    Rugby is a minority sport.

    Most sports coverage is about the FA Cup today, and that was dull as anything.

    While Rugby is second to Football, it will get less coverage.

    And with a result like Scotland beating England, the English press will cover that in more detail.

    It's quite simple really.

    If I look at the Western Mail today It's all about Wales Rugby team and Cardiff football.

  17. Mimi you really do have your head stuck up your backside and that's what you're talking out of.  I would rather become and Iraqui than be a blinkered arrogant English T**T like you.  My god they say the Yanks are brainwashed, you're obviously watching too much English TV.

  18. "Tedious is'nt it, but hey who beat England,yep, Scotland, well done  Wales.....

  19. Could not agree more. Wales are playing great watchable rugby and thoroughly deserve their success. England are in total disarray. Ashton has to now and the whole thing needs a shake up.

    As far as the media are concerned they will never change. Totally biased and churning out reconstituted shonet.

    Look at the media coverage of Harry in Afghanistan it was just totally out of order and over the top. Young lad just keeping his head down and doing his job but you would have thought by the coverage he had just taken on the Taliban singly handed and won a VC.

    Media make me puke they are biased and single minded.

  20. I totally agree with you.

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