
Walk or Run?

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I want to lose some pounds, would walking (quickly) or running/jogging be better to accomplish this?




  1. Jogging, if you are able to sustain it.

  2. jogging a 1 mile or 2 miles everyday will make you loose weight after a little.

    just make sure you stretch before you run.

    [jogging will make you loose weight faster]

    hope it helps

  3. EDIT: If you already run 30 minutes to an hour every day and you're still not losing weight, check your diet. You're simply not burning enough calories. As for which is better, you'll burn more calories running at 6 mph for 30 minutes than you will walking at 3.5 mph for 60 minutes.

    I'd say both, though how much of either you do will depend on your current weight and fitness level. If you're not accustomed to exercise, you'll find that maintaining a steady jog may be challenging at first. Don't get discouraged. Just walk when you can't jog. Regardless, one of the keys to weight loss is exercising for a sufficient duration, not just going all out for ten minutes and calling it a day.

    I lost fifty pounds several years ago, and I did it primarily with running. I would get on the treadmill or hit the trail and just move for at least 45 minutes at a time, walking or jogging as I was able. As time went on and I dropped pounds, I found myself running more and faster, which sped up the weight loss even further.

    Good luck!

  4. matter your phsyical condition i say you start walking and build on your pace then gradually start jooging then build up to running.

  5. If walking allows you to go out more frequently and cover a greater total distance, your results will likely be different.

    But if you cover roughly the same distance whether you run or walk, there will likely be little difference in calories burned.

    To lose pounds, you need to burn more calories than you consume. An increase in metabolism can help accomplish this as well (which going above a walk should assist).

    You should likely exercise at or about your maximum *sustainable* pace as long as you can and as often as you can without interfering with your ability to do this multiple times. You'll need to assess your state of fitness and if walking, running, or walk-running achieves this best at any given point.

    You're probably better off running *if* you can sustain it over multiple days and at least the same distance (and frequency) as the walking. If you can't sustain it, doing run-walks can be a good alternative. And if walking and nothing but keeps you healthy, happy, and injury free, that's the best route in the long run for you.

    It wouldn't be an unusual route in the slightest to primarily walk to lose weight and get your legs used to the workout, then develop into a jogger / runner to maintain fitness (and drop some final pounds?) months down the line when your body is more up to the task.

  6. A friend of mine hired a personal trainer, because he was jogging 3 times a week, but wasn't losing any weight. The trainer advised him to walk the same distance instead of running.

    This sounded quite strange to me, but when I looked at the treadmill and elliptical machines at the gym the display always showed optimal weight loss at a lower heart rate (slower pace).

    To make sure, I looked it up on Web MD and they reference a study that proved walking and running the same distance basically produced the same results. In a similar study they showed that walking was easier on the joints and walkers tended to keep the weight off.

    I put it to the test and sure enough since I have been going at a slower pace on the elliptical I have seen a lot more progress and find exercising a lot more enjoyable. My friend has also begun to lose weight again.

    If your goal is to improve overall cardio fitness then running is the better choice, but if your goal is weight loss then all evidence points to walking as being the best choice.
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