
Walk trot classes? What To wear?? help?

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Hi I'm going to be showing this year and i need to know what kind of clothing and/or appreal I should be wearing for

Hunter under saddle

Walk,Trot classes

Jumping, What kind of equipment should I use and What clothing do I need. What colors are exceptable? please help!!




  1. Ask you local show people or registration people at your show

  2. can u read this coz my answers aren't coming up :(

  3. idk about the rules but if u r just doing trot classes, just wear riding pants, boots and a helmet! Just search and try to find a local store that sells that stuff. I recommend light, tanner colors because dark colors attract heat. Best of luck!

  4. When I was competing in non-rated shows, I was allowed to wear a polo, tan breeches and I could get away with paddock boots and half chaps. For hunt seat equitation, you have to have to wear a white ratcatcher under a hunt coat with tan breeches and field boots. For the jump classes, you can wear a more colorfull shirt, but not too bright. If you're riding hunt seat, don't wear a black coat. Navies and grays are preferred. Good Luck!

  5. If you are riding English classes, you wear traditional clothes, browns, greys, navy blue mostly, English attire.

  6. I would call the people who are running the show and find out what the rules are.  Your trainer should also know.  Local schooling shows may not require proper attire.  If that is the case groom your horse well and pull it's mane.  You should be dressed neat and clean with riding pants, paddock boots, and a plain shirt.

    If the show is more formal you should have your horse clean and braided.  You should also wear proper boots (paddock boots and guarders if you're under 12, tall boots if your 12 or over), riding pants, a shirt, a jacket, your hair should be under your helmet if possible.

    In a formal show, follow these color guidelines for any hunter class:

    Paddock boots should be brown or black with matching guarders.

    Tall boots are black.

    Breeches are Beige (Or Rust if you have brown tall boots)

    You shirt can be colored as long as it is subtle

    Navy Blue, or Beige jacket.

    An equitation class is almost the same however you would not wear a colored shirt, you could also wear white breeches instead of beige (I wouldn't wear rust breeches), and your jacket should be navy blue.

    Over fences classes require the same things as their counterparts in under saddle classes.  If you are in a show jumping class you may want to dress more towards the equitation side.  In some show jumping you don't need a jacket in which case I would say to wear a nice polo or sweater.  You can use a martingale in jumping classes, but always stick to a white saddle bad and clean tack.

  7. Hunter Under saddle: A NOT BRIGHT COLOR!!!

    : Knee high boots polished to the extremes

    white/beige breeches

    A very clean cut coat with a crisp white blouse underneath

    a hair net


    a velvet (black) helmet that fits you


    Crisp white saddle pad or a dark tan/black

    very neat braids and neatly braided tail

    clean nostrils and eyes (use a little baby oil to make the nostrils and around the eyes shine)

    clean, polished hooves

    clean bit, shiny, no grassy icky foam

    Bridle should be clean as well as the saddle

    shiny stirrups

    clean and NOT FUZZY girth, no wool



    Boots if your over 14, (shined)

    crisp white blouse with a pin at the neck

    black jacket

    white or beige breeches

    black velvet helmet


    saddle, shined and cleaned w/ bridle

    white saddle pad (can be grey if riding a white/grey horse)

    neatly trimmed and braided

    groomed to perfection

    JUMPING: anything as long as you are dressed as you would in dressage. the colors in jumping dont really matter as long as the saddle pad isnt really bright




    Galloping Boots

    atleast 3 saddle pads

    atleast 2 halters per horse


    shampoo for the color of your horse

    hoof dressing NOT POLISH!! (very dry)

    grooming brushes

    hoof poick

  8. led walk trot class where smart clean pants shirt and Tye +hacking jacket.

    crop (a small whip) for jumping

    Black tack and black nunma

    boots or bandages for the horses legs when jumping

    dressage whip in normal ridding classes

    black panted hoof, braided tale, rosettes mane

  9. U Shall Need : -

    CREAM Jodphurs - They Have 2 Be Cream Otherwise U Might Not be Able 2 Entre

    A Black Tie

    A Black Blazer/Jacket

    Long Black Riding Boots

    A Black Helmet

    White Shirt

    Girls Need 2 Wear Hair In A Neat Bun With Or Without Netting

    Good Luck!! X

  10. email me with the answers to these questions and ill help u... ive been showing as a hunter for years and have been to a lot of different shows so i can def. help u out with apparrel...

    ~what circuit(s) are you planning to ride in?

    ~what color horse are you planning  to ride (itll help wit jacket and shirt color)?

    ~are you planning on riding in tall boots and breeches or paddock boots and jods?

    ~definitely have (as in im not going to help you with this cuz its not an individual thing):

    -black velvet show helmet with a bow at the back (gpa and irh have some without... those are fine if they have the stripe in the front)

    -stock pin

    -fitted white wool-like saddle pad... make sure it fits your saddle with an inch of room on all sides

    -saddle that is well oiled and looks decent (ex: no highly visible signs that you use it every day)

    -good looking bridle... no bits of leather hanging off (like at the part of the reins that meets the bit.. the curly thing looks bad... i always cut mine off)

    -black gloves... NOT WHITE

    -TAN breeches or jods... DO NOT GET WHITE ONES judges dont like clothing that stands out!

    -standing martingale can be worn in some classes ONLY USE ONE IF YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED IT... it's just a nuisance...

    -unless it's really wierd your bit should be fine... judges normally dont care if you use a pelham or a kimberwicke either... if you need one... just be sure you know how to use it...

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