
Walked in on my sister masturbating?

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When i walked in she saw me and just started crying so i ran out. Did i do something wrong? Now she cant look me in the eye or talk to me! What can i say? Please help!!




  1. It will blow over but you should learn to knock before entering a room with a closed door and she should learn to use a room with a lock when she doesn't want to be disturbed.  

  2. I don't know how old you are. I'm 15 and my sister is 17. I'm trying to figure out what I would do if it happened to me.

    I think I would ask her if I could talk to her. Then apologize, explain that you do it too and she's not alone, and you would hope for both of you to forget it ever happened.

    If she refuses to talk to you, try writing a note and leave it in her room.

    Good luck.

  3. blackmail her..

  4. just dont ever bring it up

  5. Walk into her room and start masturbating, then she won't feel so awkward and you both can laugh about masturbating.

  6. She was the one who didn't lock the door. Now sure, if it was her bedroom, you should have knocked, and yeah that is wrong, but she should have still made the effort for privacy.

    Both of you made a mistake, and the only thing to do now is wait for the embarrassment to fade.

  7. Darling, I wouldn't mention it again, but just so that she knows you have ABSOLUTELY NO INTENTION of ever mentioning it slip a note under the door.

    All it needs to say is something along the lines of

    "Sorry!! I should have knocked!"

    "Let's just pretend it didn't happen!"

    This avoids the embarrassment of actually expecting her to speak to you about it, and gives her the chance to speak if she wants to?

    She doesn't need reminding of exactly what happened, she knows it's normal, she knows you do it, she does it and the majority of the population do it, but she doesn't need reminding of it!! The embarrassment was that you 'caught' her doing it!!

    Good Luck Darling,

    C x*x

  8. rofl awkward or what!

  9. that could be the start to some creepy thoughts for the both of you (incest) so never, ever bring it up. and if she says anything deny ever doing it and say you didnt notice

  10. Just let it go and she will get over it.

  11. first how old r u and ur sister.... and let her know that everybody does it and its ok... its going to be akwerd  

  12. just relax when you two are alone apologize to her about it and say now lets never speak of this or think of this again.  and tell her it's ok everyone dus it.  and it all depends on how old you are if your young just let it go she will always remember it, and you will always to but just relax

    it also depends on how close you and your sister are.  if your really close you two should just say it never happened and make sure neither one of you bring it up again if your not close let her bring it up and sill say to her lets never bring it up again after this..

  13. Yeah, don't bring it up, and if she does, tell her she does not have to explain anything and that you will pretend it never happened.

    Additional details:

    To whom ever gave me the thumbs down, are you suggesting that he confront his sister about this and make her feel EVEN MORE uncomfortable then she does already!?

  14. She's obviously quite embarrassed.

    Perhaps you can simply say "Don't worry about it, sis.  Everybody does it.  It's cool.  We're cool."

    Something simple and quick but to let her know yo'ure not gloating or think she's weird or a freak.

  15. knock first. then you might tell her that you didn't see anything and never mention it again.

  16. LMAO, that must have been the worst experience of her life

  17. Bring it up at the dinner table.

  18. just talk to her and say "it's normal, and that guys do it all the time, it's no biggie" and then move on

  19. wow.... yeah let it go and don't ever talk about that situation ever again . AWKWARD.  

  20. Lol......what an embarrassing  situation

    Next time tell her that you'll penalize her if she repeated this thing again

  21. pretend it never happened eventually things will get back to normal.

    btw way how old is your sister.

  22. nice

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