
Walkers crisps?

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Ive got to do a college assignment about walkers crisps.

Ive got to state a few of their...

- aims

- objectives

- purposes

which is basically

- what are they aiming for?

- how will they do it?

- and why?

Ive looked on their website but i dont find it helpful at all.

Can anyone help me?

Points to the best answer :)






  1. I may not be tremendous help but perhaps you could say something about them switching the colours around for cheese& onion and salt &vinegar.

  2. Aims,To be the No1 crisp manufacturer in the UK

    Objectives,Capitalise on Market share

    Purpose,To make a profit

    Walkers crisps who owns Smiths Crisps and part of the old Golden Wonder Co are a wholly owned subsidiary of Frito Lays USA who in turn are owned by the Pepsi Co NY,who also own Pizza Hut,KFC, Mountain Dew, Tropicana , Quaker oats, Tango and many other well known brands,the aim of Pepsi Co NY is to be the worlds No1 brand,regardless of individuality

  3. Their aim is to produce a first class product that everyone enjoys.

    The objective is to manufacture a quality product to a high standard, to operate within the health and safety guidelines and to also make a profit to re-invest in the company. The way they do it is to make the bag attractive to potential buyers.

    The purpose is to become the leading brand in the UK and to create employment for the local community.

  4. Aims:- to get people to eat their product and drink their parent product (Pepsi).

    Objectives:- make our product look healthier than the opposition (even though it isn't as it is still crisps).

    Purposes:- to make people eat crisps and not feel guilty.

    A bit flippant but they must be the truth.

  5. Ring them up and ask for their 'mission statement'.

    While you are about it you could also ask them for the names of the additives they put into the crisps and the name of the chemicals which they give to their contractors to 'burn off' the potato stalks - it rots their clothes and boots and ends up in the potato through stalk absorbtion.

  6. I'll put bullet points.


    To sell as many crisps as possible. (Obvious I know, but this enables you to delve further into their marketing strategies.)

    You'll find that every company aims for the 'Holy Grail' and that is to have a 'Brand' that is universally recognised. Eg , McDonalds golden arches, Coke etc. To have a product that is recognised without seeing the words. I believe Walkers have managed this.

    Some of your questions are fairly self evident. They are trying to achieve what all businesses try to do. Sell a product, increase revenue and increase brand awareness. They will do this via the media (advertising) and the use of jug eared ex footballers. I don't know if you remember Smiths crisps and Golden Wonder? They used to be brand leaders and then Walkers came along with their strategy and destroyed (or took over) them.

    You can also try to investigate their methods of production effeciency and how they develop and market research their flavours. I'm off to munch on some Pringles ! Good luck.

  7. To make as much money out of people as possible by slicing a potato as thinly as possible, frying it and sharing it between 6 crisp packets.

  8. Eating walkers crisps now....

    Their aims would be to sell more crisps than any other brand. Also there is a rise in supermarket own brand which are cheaper.

    How they have done it is to re-launch different flavours and styles of crisps. My fave are the thai sweet chilli - addictive!! They also use clever advertising with celebs.

    Why they are doing this is so they have a greater market share and that means more profit.

    I recommend you do a search about the history of walkers crisps and see if you can get any books on it. There are some interesting stories like why the colour of salt and vinegar/cheese and onion were swoped etc etc.

    I also recommend eating the thai sweet chilli crisps for research!!!!

  9. In the 1880s Henry Walker moved from Mansfield to Leicester to take over an established butcher's shop in the high street. Meat rationing after World War II saw the factory output drop dramatically and the company looked at alternatives to make use of the wasted capacity. With potato crisps being increasingly popular with the public, managing director R.E. Gerrard helped the company shift focus and began hand-slicing and frying potatoes.
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