
Walkers in bad parts of towns....?

by  |  earlier

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Where are you walking to? Where are you walking from? Why are you out walking the streets alone at 2 in the afternoon?.....




  1. why not walk? its fun, gets you out in the air and helps get you healthy.

    these people you knock because they are in "bad part of town", may actually have no choice but to live there. they may choose to walk to save money. maybe they even like it there, calling your part of town the 'bad part'

    everything is relative, and from my relative position, this question sounds like economic eliteism to me

  2. At 2 in the afternoon it is a good time to take a walk.  People minding their own business should not be questioned without cause.  Why is it that you are driving thru this area at 2 in the afternoon?  Where are you going, where are you coming from?  Why are you driving alone at 2 in the afternoon?  What are you doing in this neighborhood?  Are you using drugs?  Are you out pandering?

  3. its 2am here :)

    were on opposite sides of the world XD

    They've got nothing better to do i 'spose

    but who knows, they could be doing something more important than we know :D dont judge, looks can be decieveing

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