
Walking 6 miles in the dark?

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I'm 16 and due to circumstances I'm gonna have to walk home alone in the dark from a friends in the neighbouring village. 6 miles, the road mainly hasn't got street lights. it's got lots of hills and bends.

I don't own reflective gear so I'm desperatly seeking advice?

I know it'll take about 2 hours if that alters it at all.




  1. A first thought: will your body carry you that far?  You don't seem to be worried.

    At what hour are you leaving?

    As for reflective gear, can you borrow a small mirror or even shiny tin-top?

    Edited to add:

    HEY 52!!!

    You say don't want to inconvenience the adults.  Think carefully abut your safety before you start walking.  They would probably rather be inconvenienced (half-an-hour's worth) than have something  unpleasant happen to you.

    Sometimes I have given up too soon and soldiered on by myself.  Is there any adult you know, or friends know, that you could ask?  Some leader who has a good reputation to maintain?

    Would it be auto, or cycle? Six miles both ways, even at 25 m.p.h. in vehicle is only a quarter of an hour each way.

    Get one of your friends to walk with you, and take her back tomorrow?

    As a young woman by herself, off the road sounds like good advice.

    I would go off road but close enough to follow it for guidance.  I did a similar thing once: not nearly so far, but I got bus to stop at wrong stop, was worried we'd overshoot.  I was walking in dark after midnight along a major US freeway, wondering about rapists and kidnappers.  And made it safely back to hotel out in country.

    (I picture you in India or Pakistan, where I used to live.) Even in Missouri it can be Very Dark away from houses.  But you should have a good amount of moon in sky.

    And it's late where you are!!

    Best wishes!

  2. What about parents, can't they drive you there and pick you up?  I would never let my 16 year old daughter walk in the dark 6 miles. NOWAY!! Too dangerous

  3. Stay off the road.  Is there NO ONE that can take you home?  My daughter is 16 and I would hate to know that she is walking home alone after dark at that age.

  4. wear something white

    carry a flashlight

    walk facing traffic

    walk of the road when cars pass by

    i wish i was there, love being away from the city

  5. It probably shouldn't take 2 hours.  It depends on how hilly the area is.  I would recommend wearing a pair of sneakers that have reflective tape on them.  Its very dangerous to walk in the dark with no reflection at all.  Most hardware stores sell rolls of reflective tape that you can cut and stick on to your back and front.  Be careful!

  6. First off, bring a light with you so you can find your way in the dark.

    Second, wear reflective clothing--walk on the side of the road facing traffic.

    And, finally, 5 degrees Celsius (40 F) isn't all that cold, and, since you will be walking continuously, you shouldn't get too cold.

    And, contrary to the other person's answer, yes, it should take about 2 hours to walk the six-mile distance, maybe slightly longer if you're travelling through hilly terrain.  Also, walking in the dark, you might not want to walk too fast so you can have time to see where you are going.

    Hope this helps!

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