
Walking Cast pain please help i'm scared?

by  |  earlier

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I recently got a walking cast put on my leg because i broke my tibia or fibula or w/e it's called. The main bone in the lower leg. Either way i've had the cast for 4 or 5 days now but now i am getting pains in the heel of my foot. It's kinda like a cramping feeling mixed with numbness. Is this something to be concerned about? Any advice on why this is happening or how to stop it?




  1. I would call your doctor as soon as possible. He will probably know what to do for you. Good luck and I would try to stay off of it as much as possible until you see a doctor.  

  2. Call your OS.  Numbness suggests a nerve is being pinched by the cast.  Tell them how it feels and how much you have been on it.  You may need to use crutches and stay off your foot.  Don't be shy about asking to be recasted.  They do it all the time.  

  3. i broke my foot at the end of last year and had a walking cast on for 8 weeks. in that time i had problems with my cast caving in on my foot and was travelling as well. the pain in ur leg could be from something as simple as a botched cast or something more serious like insufficient blood flow. what ever the case get it checked out IMMEDIATLY as it may be serious an even life threatening. in the mean time keep it elevated and try to stay off it but move ur foot as much as possible to help with blood flow. good luck and i wish u a speedy recovery.

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