
Walking/Jogging in the morning?

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Does walking or jogging in the morning help speed up your metabolism or lose weight faster? I have been going to the gym and doing aerobics classes for quite a while now except its usually at around 8pm and ive heard it doesnt work as well if you exercise at night?

So if I do walks during the morning will that have a greater affect? Also how long should I walk or jog for?


Also if it has worked for you I would love to hear your story!




  1. A benefit to exercising in the morning is it gets your metabolism going for the day. Naturally, you still have to work to keep it up by eating properly (don't let yourself get hungry, portion control, caloric intake, etc) and having a little activity throughout your day. You're typically more energized for the course of the day by exercising in the morning.

    Exercising at night is fine as long as it's not right before bed. It's not a wasted effort as far as your overall health or weight loss goals, but it's better for your daily health and metabolism to exercise in the morning. You don't want to go to bed energized or worked up.

    You should be doing about 30 minutes of exercise 3 times per week to maintain a healthy lifestyle. To lose weight, you may want to do more than that, but don't over-exert yourself or cut corners on nutrition. In the long-run, it's better to go slowly over time. You're more likely to maintain a healthy lifestyle and your body is better equipped to handle weight loss at a rate of 1-2 pounds per week.

    Good job on taking the initiative to put in the work and ask for help! Good luck!

  2. im not sure if it really matters tbh. my husband has been doing the Wii fit at night at like 7pm and then at 8pm he goes for a light jog for 30mins he has lost like 25lbs in a month. plus eating healthy helps :)

  3. Yep it DOES help!

    I usually power walk for the first hour and then start jogging a little and walking faster in the second hour!

    Helps alot!

  4. a mile jogged burns the same calories as a mile walked.  A jog in the morning is probably a little better because of the endorphine release will make you feel better through the course of the day your metabolic rate could care less what time it is.  Remember eat six small meals a day with breakfast being the biggest.  That will help more than what time you exercise good luck

  5. Walking  and jogging in morning speeds up metabolism faster than in evening. this I learn t while discussing with leading doctor. One should exercise atleast for 30 minutes.

    weight control will depend on calories in and calories burnt. to loose weight burn more calories than you consume calories.

    I follow this to control my weight.

    There are number of e books on click bank to guide you to six abs. may like to try through this link  


  6. well i used to be really bad at running, and i never really dedicated myself to the time, this last year i started running a lot more, and in a few months i lost quite a bit of weight, got my mile time down to 5.20 and was able to go on 15+ mile runs

    my advice to you is to run/jog as much as you can, when ever you have time to, and don't worry about the distance you run, only worry about the time you run, and the more and more you run, the more and more time you should add on...if you accually do this i'm sure you'll lose your required amount of weight ;)

  7. I usually do it in the morning because I work nights.

    What I usually do is go on the tredmill for about 20 minutes, then go rest for about 5-10 minutes then go back on for another 20-45 minutes.  It really depends, sometimes I will do 20 minutes at a time, sometimes 45 or what ever it really depends on how I feel that day. Sometimes if I get off work early or if I don't work that day then I will go to this place that has a 3 mile walking path and I will usually do the 3 miles or sometimes I will do 6 miles.

    When I do it in the morning its usually around 9am-1pm and when I do it at night its around 6pm.

    That works for me

  8. i walk or jog around 7pm and people say it looks like i have lost weight so that might help and i do 3 laps around my neighborhood which is about a mile or a little over maybe even less but it helps a lot and i normally jog until about 7:45 or 7:30

  9. Hi, there!

    In general brisk walking for weight loss is better than jogging because it is less hard on your body and by that sustainable long term (until your dotage).

    The best time to walk is before your first meal of the day. However, you may break your walks into two or more sessions. If you cannot walk before your first meal, walking for weight loss can be done at any time of the day or night.  

    You can do it indoors on a treadmill or outdoors, whichever you prefer. When combined with consuming fat burning foods, brisk walking is very effective for fat loss if done correctly.

    For example, today go for a walk at the best pace you can manage until you are comfortably tired. Note how far you walked. The day after tomorrow, go for another walk but increase the distance slightly. Continue walking every other day until you are walking 4 miles.

    Once you are able to do that, slightly increase your pace with each walk until you are walking those 4 miles in just under 1 hour every other day. This will burn many extra calories during and immediately after your walks. (Once you reach your desired percentage of body fat, it's likely that you'll only need to average 2 miles of brisk walking daily to sustain it. )

    To speed up your metabolism further, add strength training. Strength training (weight training) will enable you to increase lean muscle. Lean muscle is your METABOLIC FURNACE that will burn extra calories 24 HOURS DAILY and NOT ONLY during and after exercise. Male or female, young or old, everyone can lose body fat this way AND keep it off. One is never too old to begin.

    At the bottom of this reply, I have added Internet resources for lists of fat burning foods, free strength training programs for beginners or intermediates, and free walking for weight loss plans. This will enable you to use all methods, for maximum effect, to speed up your metabolism.

    If you decide to do strength training, work out twice a week using as much weight as you can handle using perfect exercise technique. Concentrate only on the basic exercises such as squats, deadlifts, presses, rows, dips, and chins. The free programs will give you specific routines as well as tips for exercising safely.

    You could do more. For example, intense cardio for three minutes twice a week. However, that may be too, too quickly. It is better to focus on making one major change at a time. Then introduce the next one. You could add intense cardio later.

    (Before altering your exercise habits, you may wish to obtain the blessing of your personal physician.)

    If you want to use any or all of the above methods, the links to the free Internet resources will give you lists of fat burning foods that speed metabolism, free walking for weight loss plans, mild and intense cardio exercise choices, and free strength training programs.

    I hope this helps.

    Train in good health!

    All my best wishes


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