
Walking down the aisle?

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My father has never been a part of my life and I plan on getting married within the next few years. I have been thinking of minor details and realized I have always thought I would have a very important guy in my life walk me down the aisle, but then I realized aside from the groom, I don't have any other men in my life who are close enough to me to walk me down the aisle, except for my brother. My brother is a huge part of my life and I would do anything for him, and I am a huge part of his life, he comes to me before either of his parents, but the thing is at the time of my wedding my brother would be only 12 years old, would it be extremely awkward to have my brother walk me down the aisle? In place of a father daughter dance could I dance with my brother? what song would we dance to? I feel like people will think its weird but really him and i really only have each other, And I know in today's society the bridesmaids pay for the own dress usually, but I feel guilty asking them to pay for everything since they will all be college students, one with a baby, would it be fair to offer to split the cost of everything, dress, shoes, jewelery, make-up, and hair, I figure it'll come up to about $300 a girl since I am on a tight budget I cannot afford to pay for all full price, so is $150 a fair price to ask them to pay?




  1. All those traditions are old and are evolving!  Anyone can walk you down the aisle.  It can be your brother or even your mom.  It's who supports you and you want by your side!

    As for the dance you don't have to do a father daughter, or dane with your new father in law.  

    Do what you feel comfortable with, not what others have done in the past!  

  2. no not at all, it sound lovely and you got valid reasons

    its Your weeding, not anyone elses, what they think they should keep to themself, all that mathers is you and your groom being happy and having the best memories

    it sound like for you that would be having your brother walking you down, and such you def should do that, if anyone ever had the curage to obect to my face on a descision i made regards my wedding day togheter with the bf, the response would be "well thats your opinion, but this is my wedding and how i want it, if you dont like it that is really not my problem, and i would ask that you let me plan my wedding as i want it, and when you get married yourself, then you can do it as you want."

  3. If you want you brother to walk you down the then ask him. This is your wedding. Since you a while, maybe you and your brother can take a dance class and make the dance special. When you choose the bridesmaid dress look in other places beside the bridesmaid section for their dress. You can find quite a few wonderful dresses in the regular dress sections of stores.  Nodstroms has a number of them.

    Good luck, and this is your wedding do what you want.

  4. of course!!!!!!  My little brother is walking me down the aisle....we're SUPER close and I wouldnt want it any other way.  

    And my bridesmaids are paying for their own dresses (it's actually very common nowadays)...but I tried not to pick something too expensive.

    I think offering to pay half is long as they know upfront when you asked them to be your bridesmaids it should be absolutely fine.

    Good luck and congrats congrats congrats!!!

  5. Sounds like you are planning a wedding without the groom. Why not wait until you find him. Your wedding plans very well may change a great deal, if you can't imagine changing your wedding plans based on the groom comments - just skip it.  

  6. First thing - it is YOUR wedding - so anything goes as long as you're happy. I got married in October with a similiar situation. My parents are both deceased and I didn't really have a male I felt comfortable walking down the aisle with. Instead I walked down with a really good female friend. It felt right to me so I didn't care what people thought. So as for your brother - if YOU feel comfortable and want him to walk you down the aisle - DO IT. Also - do the dance - it will be touching. As for a suggestion try Brother by Toad the Wet Sprocket.

    If you can afford it - any help you can give your bridesmaid will be sweet and helpful. If I was a bridesmaid I would be incredibly happy the bride was helping me out.

    Remember - your wedding is really you and your husband's day. Make sure you're happy and comfortable with everything. Don't worry about everyone else.

    Good Luck.

  7. I agree, it's your wedding and your kid brother walking you down the aisle would be really charming and touching. These daye, people getting married are pretty much free to do what they want, tradition, shmadition. If it's meaningful to the people getting married, do it. It really is all about the two of you. As far as the budget/bridesmaid things goes, just be flexible. 150 seems fair, but if someone has a hard time with that, look for ways to cut costs, like use a beauty school for makeup and hair, let them wear their own, simliar toned jewelry, and even shoes, do their own makeup...the era of matchy matchy head to toe identical bridesmaids has also seen its heyday. The one thing I would do differently regarding my wedding is, I wouldn't focus so much on the most tiny detail, like the table runners or the silverware, who cares i the end? Just get married.

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