Hi, I know walking is supposed to be a great exercise for us pregnant women, but does anyone else feel like they pull their hip flexors or groin area after just an easy 30 min walk? I walked last night, not fast, and after I feel like I pulled a muscle, nothing horrible, but it hurt to roll over in bed last night and I can feel it when I walk now. I am 29 weeks along but this has happened for the past like month or 2. I also feel a lot of pressure on my lower belly when I walk, especially on a treadmill. SO I stopped doing that a while ago. Its not as bad when I am walking outside but I usually opt for the elliptical at the gym which feels fine.
Are these normal pregnancy issues, or something I should bring up to my doc? It's my first pregnancy and so far everything is going well. My energy levels suck, but I think that has to do with having low iron. I just started a supplement last night and already feel better....
Oh and I sometimes get sciatic pain, nothing bad and not everyday, just randomly.
What are your opinions on these things and what are some red flags or signs that something is wrong and I should call the doc?