
Walking to bring on labor???????

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I am due on monday. My baby has dropped long time ago. I have so much pressure that it hurts when I walk even as close as to my mailbox. My question is, Is walking a way to bring on labor or does it just help with the process of helping the baby to drop? I need something to help to bring on labor. Any ideas?? Thanks




  1. I was an avid walker during pregnancy and had my first at 38 weeks and my second at 37 weeks.  Both happy and healthy!  I think it works.

  2.   Try some good spicey food ,my sister swears by it. Well that and s*x.

  3. I think it does, I walked 2 miles a day with both my sons once my doctor told me I was dilated and effaced, I definitely think it helped the process along!  Good luck!

  4. i got on the trampoline and did lots of walking, i will say that it deffinatly helps labour. s*x doggy style will help....i lost my plug this way..and lots of walking helps to move baby down puts pressure on your water bag.

    good luck x

  5. Yes, walking helps a lot. I was preggo with my 1st son and I went to the mall and shopped with one of my friends. Mind u the same morning my muccus plug came out. So I was at the mall for at least 2 hours before I went home and waited for my mom to come and pick me up. When she came to pick me up I was going in the bank and my water broke. So do a lot of walking that really helps. I also did a lot of house work went I went in labor with my daughter. My son came at 38 weeks and my daughter came at 37 weeks. So go for it. They also say to drink a glass of red wine and that will bring labor on also. Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!

  6. walking helps open your pelvis to let baby drop and when baby drops water breaks and that can bring on labor. also s*x with hubby can bring on labor sperm has a certain effect on the cervix to thin or something along those lines.  just dont stress it too much though the baby will come when he/she wants to come.

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