
Walking to toned your body???

by  |  earlier

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I'm goin to start walking from my house to school tomorrow. It will probably takes 2-3 hours walking to get to school. Does jogging/walking helps you lose weight all over the body or? and how long would it take if you start walking for 2-3 hours, 5 times a week? will this helps my legs go bulk or slim down?

an answer to my question will be greatly appreciated thanks.





  1. walking does help you to lose weight, but you have to do quite a bit of it.  If you get a pedometer it will help - they're fairly inexpensive to buy.  The recommended amount is 10,000 steps per day to maintain your weight and 11-12,000 per day to lose weight.

    Walking to school will probably do it, but are you sure you'll keep it up if you've got to walk for 2-3 hours each day?  I don't think I would.  Could you get the bus part way - for instance walk for 30 mins to an hour and get the bus the rest of the way?  

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