
Walking while intoxicated?

by  |  earlier

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Usu when people drink n drive an accident occurs. Th assumption is that th driver is guilty, esp in light of th fact that his blood alcohol xceeds th legal limit. Th driver is charged with vehicular manslaughter n is goin to end up in jail for a long time.

However many of these accidents occur in streets where bars r in every corner. Th pedestrian is assumed innocent. Although apparently th pedestrains were drinkin themselves. Th blood alcohol of th pedestrian is waived. Th poor drunk driver just assumes he is guilty n often just goes to jail.

So what about walkin while intoxicated, certainly these pedestrians had impaired judgement. They contributed to their own demise. Th pedestrians r usu crossin a busy street mayb even helpin a friend who is unable to get out of th way.

What about th city? Should they not make sure th parkin n Bars r on th same side of th street, where is there culpability.




  1. Erm, just cause your walking by a bar doesn't mean you are drunk. To get to my fav park I have to walk past a pretty nasty bar.

    A pedestrian puts nobody in danger but themselves, while a driver puts anyone in the vicinity in danger. Also, pedestrians always have right of way, especially on corners. Just buck up and accept your punishment. You made the choice to drive instead of walk.

  2. there is no excuse for you drinking and driving

    Go to your meeting

  3. If the driver was drunk, then it's his fault.  

    If both people were drunk, then the driver is still at fault.  The pedestrian's liability depends on what he or she was doing though.  Were they doing something stupid or something they shouldn't have been doing?  Then can still be held accountable for it.  Walking while intoxicated isn't illegal, but depending on local laws, public drunkenness may be illegal.

  4. People who walk around while intoxicated are often charged with "public drunk". So, No, that's not legal either.

  5. if a drunk driver hits a drunk pedestrian its not going to get the drunk driver off the hook. but the drunk driver's lawyer should point it out and the jury will take it into consideration and may grant the driver some leniency when sentencing them, especially if the pedestrian stumbled into the street or something. but if they were walking across a cross walk it probably wont matter how much they've had. it all depends...

  6. People shouldn't be able to get in their cars when leaving a bar if they are above their BAC is above legal limit.

    And why don't you put an 'e' at the end of 'th' and spell out 'usually' instead of putting 'usu'?

  7. The driver is charged because driving under the influence is against the law, regardless of the condition of a person walking.  But, people walking under the influence can be charged with public intoxication if they also exceed certain limits.

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