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how big do they get?

how hard are they to care for?

what states are they legal in?

.... i just learned about it persiod. lol, i just call em baby kangaroos. i'm not planning on getting one at the moment, no way to, but when i get my own place it'd be cool to have one.

What do you think of them as pets?

I know the makes can become a bit aggressive and want to box. ...what else about them?

lol. they sound awesome. ^_^




  1. First off, an apartment is not a good place to have a wallaby. You would need to own your own home first. They can cause some destruction, like eating the carpet. They also open any and all cabinets, so you have to baby-proof your home. You HAVE to have a back yard and a tall fence, and be able to bury part of the fence underground so they don't dig out. When you are not home you would want to keep it in a tall kennel type cage.

    Sizes range, but are about 2 1/2 feet tall and weighs about 30lbs, depending on what kind of wallaby and male or female.

    Each state and city has different laws on exotic pets, do your research.

    They do require lots of time, they bottle feed when they are young and need to be weaned from the bottle at around 9 months old. They also need to be carried in a pouch everywhere you go when young.

    For more info heres a good site for more info:

  2. those things are legal?uhhh i wish we could have them aas pets
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