
Wallace's blood in British Monarch's bloodline?

by Guest57942  |  earlier

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If Wallace gave the French princess' his baby does that mean that William Wallaces blood is in the veins of the British crown?




  1. IF.  The movie Braveheart suggests that Wallace was the father of the first child of the wife of the future Edward II.  It's tantalizing to think about, but there's no historical evidence.  Although there IS strong evidence that Edward II was g*y, the boy who became Edward III was not an only child, and despite all the scandal surrounding that marriage, there seems never to have been a whisper that the Queen's children were anyone's but the King's.  There's also no evidence, alas, that Wallace fathered ANY children, so someone I know who would love to be descended from him has to settle for the fact that her maiden name was the same as his mother's.  However, the British Royal Family IS descended from Robert Bruce.

  2. Forget about that movie. A French princess would not consent to take an uncouth lout to her bed..

  3. I know it might come as something of a shock to you - but the events portrayed in Braveheart never really happened that way. A lot of stuff was messed around with for the sake of dramatic effect (and Mel Gibson's ego).

    Think of Braveheart not as a history lesson but rather a Hollywood blockbuster/ propaganda movie.

  4. Forget about that movie. A Scottish Noble would never stoop so low as to invite a dirty, unshaven french w***e into his bed.

  5. No, William Wallace never sired the French princess' baby because they never met, but admittedly their romance makes a great plot device for Mel Gibson's "Braveheart".

    The supposed dalliance between Wallace and the Queen Consort of Edward II occurs at the Battle of Falkirk in 1298 when Isabella was three-years-old.  Moreover, Edward III was born in 1312, seven years after Wallace's death.  

    As for Wallace being an uncouth lout, he was the son of a knight and was well-educated by the clergy.   What's more, the Scots didn't wear kilts at this point in time.

    P. S. Many Scots would be more than happy to point out the  historical inaccuracies in "Braveheart"!  

    Ah, I see some of them have responded to the call. There's nothing like the English disparaging the Scots to rouse a son or daughter of Alba.

  6. Did Wallace have any descendants through his marriage? If he did, it's odds on that British Royals do descend from him because they have family links with almost all the nobility of the British Isles.

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