
Wallet protection in ROME?

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I'm going to Rome in This October. I've heard about very bad bad new for tourists' wallet. Any more suggestions for protection your wallet beside self-cares all the times ?




  1. I heard all kinds of stories about Rome and never ever felt unsafe or at risk of being pickpocketed.  I carried my wallet in my front pants pocket and behaved prudently, as I would in any other city I visited.  I took one of those money belts and never used it.  Threw it away when I got home.

  2. It's really pretty basic:

    Only carry your credit card and licence and cash in your front pocket. No one will know it's there, and even if they did, it's easier to steel from someone's bum/f***y bag or wallet in back pocket.

    If you do this, you won't have to worry, just don't let anyone get too close to you or touch you.

  3. Hello,

    Rome is not an "un-safe" city.  You will not be attacked but you might be robbed.  The pickpockets in this city are very good.  Most of the time you won't know it has happened until it is too late.  

    That being said, get yourself a money belt.  It is very similar to a f***y pack but you wear in under your clothes.  These money belts are made of very thin material but are very sturdy.  There are two kinds.  One you wear around your neck down the front of your shirt.  The other goes around your waist and goes inside your pants.  You can put your money and credit cards inside them.  It keeps everything safe because no one knows it is there.  My hubby and I always use one when we travel.  We keep about 20 euros in our pockets and then take out more as we need it. ( Do this is a restroom or in a more private area so people don't see you doing it).  You can get these money belts at Walmart, Target  or many online stores like Magellan's.  

    Only take the amount of money you will need for the day and leave the rest in your hotel safe.  We usually take about 100 in cash and a credit card for emergencies (or souveniers :-) .  


  4. carry big notes in yr socks and credit cards in hidden pockets in jeans/trousers. dont keep all cash or cards in one place and dont trust taxi drivers in late night.avoid wearing anything seemingly expensive.carry yr passport with u.

    keep at least 2 xerox copies of all the important papers like booking details,passport,tickets etc with u in different places.

    the situation is not this bad as u seem to think.i have just returned from from a 2 week stay in italy(rome,florence,venice,pisa) and i didnt see anything like that.

    have a nice and safe trip.


  5. leave your wallet at the hotel's front desk or the safe in your room. Take only what you need for the day and keep in in your front pockets. If you carry a bag the make sure it has a zipper, keep it closed and in front of you all the time.

    Make like you are going to a magor American city and you'll know how to protect yourself.

  6. Well u can get those packs that look like f***y packs but they're flat so u can put them under your shirt . Don't leave yur passport in the hotel room cause someone could steal it do leave it in the front office. when i was in florence at night, these moroccans went up to me and some friends and they like tryed to pickpocket us they were good, but luckliy i didn't have my wallet or anything. watch out.

  7. rome is not safe is   night but you put your wallet and keep in your front pockets

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