
Wallpaper Removal..?

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What is the easiest way to remove wall paper?




  1. I just tried this on my walls were the wallpaper had been painted and it worked!!!!

    its a video that shows everything in action.

    You'll need

    a "paper tiger"

    Garden Sprayer

    22 oz DIF

    Hot Water

    1/4 C Fabric Softener

    1 C White Viniger

    2 Tbls Baking Soda


    And plastic (I just cut the side off a garbage bag and used that)

  2. If the wall paper has been painted you're in trouble!

    If not, then buy a garden sprayer (the type that is a tank with a pump on top and a hose with the sprayer attached) use hot water with a wall paper remover solution. The solution is real cheap at the paint or hardware store and really helps.

  3. start by scoreing the paper with the corner of your putty knife to give the water a place to penetrate then spray it with hot water until it becomes saturated it should now be easy scrape it off

  4. sponge down with hot water and it should peal and scrape off easily. if parts still stick resoak with hot water and rescrape.

  5. a wallpaper steamer and a scraper

  6. rent or buy a wall paper steamer.....or spray hot water on the paper, wait a few mins, scrap off with 6inch putty knife
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