I have been at it for 2 hours, and have only removed 6 feet of wallpaper border. I used wallpaper remover (in a spray), and have already gone through the whole container. I hear that you can get fabric softener and mix it with water, and have the same results. Seeing as I have another 40 feet to go, thats going to be my cheapest option. My question is, what is the mix ratio? Does it matter what kind of fabric softener?
Any tips for making this go faster? The border has been up for at least 15 years, and its the cheap stuff, so it doesn't come off easily. Under that, the wall has been painted with a flat laytex paint. I've been scoring it, spraying the stuff on it, and letting it soak, like the bottle says, for about 5 minutes. Problem is, its just soaking it up like a sponge, and its really not losening anything. Meanwhile, my arms are turning into rubber and I'm cutting the c**p out of my fingers from the scraper. Theres got to be an easier way.