
Walmart electronics?

by  |  earlier

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Is the electronic department seperated from the rest of the store? Do you have to pay in the electronic area or can you carry merchandise out and pay at the normal counter?




  1. uh...i 'm not sure........

  2. The electronics section is not necessarily consider a different part of wal-mart, it is all wal-mart, but due to security issues, you need to pay in the electronics department or else they get mad. But who cares, as long as you aren't stealing something, it doesn't matter where you give them your money.

  3. depending on what it is. if it is a game or game system u either pay back there or they take it to costumer service until u are ready to check out up front.

  4. not necessarily.  While most products must be purchased in the department itself, many of them (mostly the ones not behind glass or cages) can be taken up front for chekcout.

  5. Depends on the item large electronics have to be purchased there. Smaller things like DVD can be bought any where. Games must be purchased there

  6. You can pay there.

    But sometimes they take the electronic to a certain counter so you cant carry it through the store so you cant steal it

  7. Some older stores it is seperated.  But eithere way you can usually take your electronics purchaces to the normal counter.

  8. lol i'm pretty sure they take it up to the service desk and hold it until you're done shopping. or you have to pay for it there. is someone thinking about stealing something? lmao

  9. u can carry it around.

  10. i think some stores perfer you pay for dvds and cds at the electronics register to help prevent theft....

  11. It depends on what it is if it has a device on it for theft and if it is in a case or if it is a tv or any high ticket item it must be paid for in the dept.  The other things can be taken up front.

  12. They are seperate areas, but you can pay for your items at the front.  However, at my local WalMart, if it is something that was behind a case, such as a newer video game, they will bring it to the front of the store for you if you are not ready to check out.  Or you can pay for it at electronics and continue shopping and pay again for the rest of your purchases at a regular check out.

  13. um, its just like its own department, like all the other departments. yes, you can pay for your stuff at the front if you wish.
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