
Walmart sends the plastic hangers that bras hang on home with customers. They don't have a practical use.

by  |  earlier

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I think that Walmart should keep and re-use them, but when I went to customer service and suggested that, they said "no". Who do I talk to next? This is just so not family-friendly, as it is not earth-friendly!




  1. normally the hangers that they put the clothes on are put on before they get to the store to save time. all the store needs to do is hang it up. the unfortunate thing about this is most clothing stores end up throwing out a set of coat hangers for each item of clothing.

  2. I agree they should be reused, try writing a letter to the main headquarters.  maybe someone could develop a sturdy cardboard hangar that could at least be recycled

  3. yahi agree completely! imagine how much this adds to the landfills! trust me trying to change wal-mart would be Reallllly hard i mean why would they care for the enviroment when there rich :p? i think if you talk to the manager in your hometown wal- mart  and it will grow from there! i think wal-mart is stupid and i just never shop there.

    i dont know how helpful the manager will be but try!

    goood luck!

  4. Funny & timely question.  I just purchased 6 bra's at WalMart last week.  

    Of course they came home with the hangers.  You need to realize they arrive at WalMart already attached to the hangers from the country of orgin (usually China).

    Since the next batch of bras they will be getting will also be on hangers, they have zero re-use need for them.

    Most of the WalMarts have recycle boxes on the way out now.  One of them is for plastic.  Stop for a moment, remove the hangers, and recycle them immediatly before you even leave the store.  I'd be willing to bet that the plastics WalMart is accepting are not actually recycled, but instead go to the landfills.  But it is possible, over time, if WalMart continues to have to pay for the disposal fees, or the recyling fees for the plastics they MIGHT change their business practices.  

    At the very least the store which is creating the problem is having to deal with the problem then, and YOU are not having to pay for it.

    Also with the bras I purchased, I only removed one from the hanger without breaking the tabs the hold the bra on the hanger.  Really they are too cheaply made to be worth recycling for the next batch of bras...they wouldn't hold up.  

    The only other sugestion is to try and find a store that sells "loose" bras not attached to hangers.  I haven't seen bras being sold that way since I was a little girl shopping with my Mom.  

    You could try ordering them online too (if you already know size & style).  Order as many as you can at a time, less packaging, and less shipping/transportation cost.  Most things I order online arrive via the mail.  The mail is going to come to my house 6 days a week whether I buy something on line or not.

    You can recycle packing peanuts (if they use them for some reason) at the nearest UPS store.  Other than the tape used to close the box, there should be virtually no plastic used that way.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  5. the individual stores won't help you at all. You need to contact the corporate headquarters: call them, email them, write them letters so they know you are serious about it. If you know other people who feel the same way, get them to do these things, too. You can also try contacting any environmental organizations who have more power and influence....I know for a fact that Environmental Defense just recently worked with WalMart to reduce packaging, boost CFL bulb sales, and turning off the engines of trucks as they are being loaded, so they can help you as well.

    good luck, and don't give up without a fight!

  6. stupid walmart...

  7. Take them off the hangers before you check you.

    Problem solved.

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