
Walmart shoppers and Catholics support McCain?

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The latest polls show middle America AKA Walmart shoppers support McCain/Palin by 62% over Obama. The Catholic vote has McCain up by 54%. Although not in this poll the Bible Belt vote has McCain up by 76%. Is this just too much momentum for Obama/Biden to overcome?




  1. I'm white, male, Catholic, shop at Walmart, admire people that serve and have served to defend the country, and I am voting for the American born war hero and the admirable VP elect Sarah Palin over any non-American Muslim.

    Hey I think you forgot, the NRA, and all of the outdoor sportsmen and woman that commune with nature.

    I'm telling you obama is Muslim toast!

  2. I am happy to see that you are trying hard to convince yourself

  3. Joe Biden said a few days ago if Obama doesn't take Pennsylvania he won't win this electin, even Obama's camp has said they have thrown millions of dollars at Pennsylvania and Obama has not come up one point, these are the people Obama stated hold on to guns and bibles...Obama is having problems reeling in the white conservative working males and Palin is attractive to them.

  4. hmm really???

    i'm a proud walmart shopper and a catholic and i support Obama soo i guess that doesn't count for everyone now does it

  5. This catholic is voting for Obama.  And I heard that Wal*mart has ordered it's employees to vote for McCain.  They want to keep those Chinese imports coming.  

  6. I've been saying it from day one Obama will be lucky to get 40% of the electorate.

  7. I noticed that Walmart trys to stay out of the hood due to high theft rates.....

    I see your point.......

    Take a poll at how many Obama supporters buy their groceries at a place that has a bullet proof glass wall between the cashier and the food stamp spender.

  8. I am Catholic and support Barack Obama. McCain does not support Cathlolic values like helping the poor and no more war. Also, I feel insulted that McCain supporter Reverand Hagee called the Catholic Church, "the w***e of Babylon." I have to be nuts to vote for that right-wing nutjob who votes for Bush 90% of the time.

    Obama/Biden '08

  9. wow i didnt know that

  10. Of course, Obama/Biden has the OVERALL lead.  so, there goes that theory

  11. Polls are ridiculous because they only poll individuals with home telephones.  Sorry, but more middle class Americans have opted to forgo having a land line and just utilize their cell phones.  So, polls are not as reliable as they once were.  I don't buy anything they say.  

    Also, I don't care to shop at Walmart since I heard they were trying to get their people to vote Republican by having company wide meetings.  No company or organization has the right to tell anyone who they should vote for.  

  12. Psh, no we (Catholics) don't!!

    I attend a very large parish and most of the conservatives who are anti-abortion are sitting this one out, they don't like McCain.

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