
Walmarts? do thier oversized buildings cause more polition? do they use sleeper trucks with generators?

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does walmarts use energy saving equipment? not just energy saving but the highest rated? they got the money. hmmm, many good questions. the air space between the floor and the ceiling seems like a waste? how many less lights could you use. what about heating and air?




  1. Derrick,

    Walmart is motivated to conserve energy by the most stern disciplinarian known to mankind.  Loss of profit.  The stockholders (many 401k and retirement accounts) will not stand for loss of value.

    It is a matter of survival that they efficiently move goods, use energy efficient equipment, keep refrigeration in proper working order.  While they are large, the risk of resource mis-management is also large and the consequences are severe.

    They do not make the market.  You do.  And I do.  I've yet to hear a greenie suggest that we limit home size and the comforts we enjoy.  It sure didn't work for USSR in the 60's.

    Walmart's single biggest loss is employee theft.  Think about how that affects the equation.  

    Best wishes


  2. Not to mention how much of the stuff they sell is really not necessary and ends up in landfills.  The other way around it would be if people were willing to shop locally and avoid the transporting of massive quantities of goods  and need for giant stores.  I suppose this is not practical.  As to the Bill Clinton connection - Ick! one more reason for me not to shop there.

  3. You bring up nsome good points. They can afford, like the home depot and so many other large stores I can name right now, to have a lower ceiling. Ditto goes for less lights, a very good point- do the bulbs reallyneed to be that big? However, they sure do try hard- they make up for it by selling energy-efficient products and energy star stuff.

    CFL's and LEDs forever!!!

  4. Some good questions, but I don't think the damage Walmart is doing to the environment is that direct.  I think they encourage over consumption and consumer indulgence on levels that are simple inane!  Do you really need a 52 inch plasma screen TV with a built in bagel toaster and beer caddy?

    I think they are more environmentally aware than a significant number of other companies, but it would really help them to take a page out of the book from Whole Foods (see link below) when it comes to creating a better "green footprint" as a business.

  5. I'm not a fan of Walmart for many reasons.

    But the environment isn't one.  They try very hard to be efficient in how they move goods around.  And how they run their stores.  Their motivation may be to lower their costs, but they work harder at it than most big box stores.

    Do you know of many retail stores with a website like this?

  6. Walmart has opened the door on improving their rather poor environmental track record by teaming up with former Prez Bill Clinton.  (See links below).  I don't know enough about their track record regarding the questions you pose, as I've never been a Walmart shopper/advocate.  I've been in one once, because I was on the road and it was the only game in town.  I'm sure they, like most of their ilk, could improve on energy savings.

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