
Waltzing <span title="matilda????????????????????????????">matilda??????????????????...</span>

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do any new zealand person think that it was a waste of time in the rugby? i think its great because those all blacks get to do something and the aussies get to do something go australia




  1. As an Australian, I&#039;m trying to decide what&#039;s more embarrassing.

    1 - Trying to whip up national pride by singing Waltzing Matilda

    2 - Having John Williamson do ti.

    I&#039;m going with the second choice.  John Williamson, what an embarrassment

  2. the HAKA is a show of Stamina and courage. Waltzing Matilda is a sore try to get back at the HAKA the song shows no pride.

  3. I don&#039;t really care, but all my Aussie mates think it&#039;s a sad, lame waste of time.  

  4. Waltzing Matilda is a joke. The melody of the song sounds so bogan. The  chant stirs up embarrassment rather then pride. Id rather hear something else like those Qantas theme songs you see on Tv like that song &#039;I still Australia Home&#039; OR

    The song &#039;We are Australians&#039; originally by the The Seeker but the rock remake by Botanics is awesome done as shown in the Telstra ads.

    &quot;you are I am , we are Australians&quot;    link below

    or something like Shine by Shanon Noll.  

  5. yeah but its 15 men doing the haka, which is a maori welcome and not 80,000 people singing waltzing matilda, a bed time story.

  6. each to their own. don&#039;t see what good waltzing matilda does but i&#039;m not aussie.

    and dude who said the haka was a welcome. get a clue boy, the haka is a challenge, a challenge to the oppisiton to stand toe to toe.

  7. Waste of time. Brought in to try and dilute the Haka and it literally wastes time and delays the start of the game. I don&#039;t think it hypes up the crowd or the Aussies...if anything it pisses the Allblacks off.

    I actually prefer it when other host nations sing their songs during the Haka or just chant for their creates a great atmosphere! Aussie crowds sang Waltzing Matilda during the Haka a few times in the past but for some reason the organizers or whoever decided to make it official which took the shine off it and now it&#039;s a joke.

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