
Wanna go on the pill. nearly 16 should i ask my mother?

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she pulled me Tuesday night cause i was asking what condoms are best & i thought my period was nearly 2 weeks late. should i ask her and explain that im not sexually active or planning on becoming sexually active soon? i have a bf should i keep it quiet from him?




  1. Thank you for thinking ahead and planning a bit.

    You have stopped and that about this and you are not sexually active now.  

    Yes you should ask your mother to take you to planned parenthood if you are planning on becoming sexually active.  Talk to the people at PP or go see your doctor. There are a lot more methods of BC available than the pill.  But some pills take a while to work

    I wouldn't say anything to your boy friend until, or IF, you reach that stage in a relationship.  Then let him know you do have access.  

  2. well if not sexually active..u shouldn't have to worry about using condoms.

  3. If you are not comfortable talking to your mom about this, you can go to planned parenthood. they are totally confidential, and i went there when i was around your age.

    you have to get an exam and then they give you the pills.

  4. If you ask your mom about going on birth control, and you are planning to tell her that you are not sexually active, or planning to become sexually had better have a good reason why you want to go on it.

    If you are not planning to have s*x, there is no reason why your boyfriend needs to know that you are on birth control.

    Good luck!

  5. On condoms, non latex condoms are fine.  Personally I'm allergic to latex and I've never had a condom break (I'm 22 and married people, not a kid).

    I'd talk to your mom about it.  I went on the pill because I was having very heavy and painful periods.  I lived with my dad at the time and he was very understanding.

  6. If you're not going to have s*x, why do you need the pill or know what rubbers to use? If you aren't having s*x, why would being late worry you?   I am confused.

    Listen, if you are going to have s*x, then yes, absolutely, ask your mother for help getting on the pill, and good for you for being responsible. Just please realize how young you really are and how much more likely at that age you are to not be with your bf in a few months.

    If he left you in a few months, after giving him your V, how would you feel? What if he turns on you and tells everyone?

    Think about the consequences here and don't forget the pill can fail too. Not ready for baby=not ready for s*x. It's worth waiting for.

  7. Just ask her. If you're talking about condoms, she shouldn't be too surprise about you wanting on the pill. Yes, ask your mother. I'd want my daughter on the pill.  

  8. Yeah, I can't see any way you'd be able to get them without asking your mother. Just explain to her what you explained to us. If you're not "sexually active" then why on earth do you need to know which condoms are the best?

    Oh, and yes, keep it quite from your boyfriend, it will make him think he doesn't need to use protection, which he does.


  9. If you are sexually active (even once) yes, you need to talk to your mom-unless you want to have a child in 9 months.

    Some clinics will sell teens birth control as long as someone over 18 signs for them. Most clinics give out free condoms too.

  10. If you aren't planning on becoming sexually active soon then why go on the pill?

  11. If it would make you feel better telling them then yes you should but however your 16 same age as me an i expect people to respect my privacy an your mum should trust you to be sensible

    good luck xxxxxxxxxx

  12. Yes, you should ask her.  If you worry about what her reaction might be, try explaining to her that although you don't intend to become sexually active, you realize that girls your age often become "caught up in the moment", and that you want to make certain that there aren't any repercussions if you make a mistake.  Show her that you are trying to be responsible, not giving yourself a license to act irresponsibly.  Once she understands this, it may be easier to ask questions about condoms as well.  Your boyfriend really doesn't need to know unless such time arrives that you do become sexually active, and even then you should use a condom as well, because the pill does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, and better safe than sorry.  I am glad that you are approaching this issue in a mature way, and that will help you communicate openly with your mother, and keep that communication going over the years.

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