
Wanna have a child/ but dont have a husband..?

by  |  earlier

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I already have a 5 yr old daughter and for a long time I´ve been wanting to have another child but havent found the right person..i´ve waited for so long and havent found the person for me..i´m so tired of waiting and feel like time is running out, and i dont have my next kid when my daughter is like 15 yrs old. i dont wanna wait forever. .it seems like no matter where i go i cant find anyone-college, church, travel abroad, clubs, ect..what can i do?




  1. adoption is the word

  2. you could go to a fertilization center , well , get donated sperm from a sperm donator

  3. Don't nock it till you try it, go to a dateing website.

  4. Regarding selfishness, maybe you are actually NOT being selfish b/c you will be giving your kid a brother/sis to play with. Also, I think it's way better to NOT be with a man you're not into which would lead to fights your kids would witness and eventually will do more harm than good. So if you really want a kid and you are a suitable mom-I say go for it.

  5. I met my hubby on it was a really great website.

  6. god..ur sort of selfish

    u want a child

    but u dont care if it has a GOOD dad or not

    so ull take the first joe...

    wonderful mothers these days huh

  7. If you want one that badly and are not finding Mr Right , consider adoption . There are many babies out there needing a home and just waiting for a home where they will be loved

  8. It is immoral to involve a man who does not want to be a father. It is okay if someone is willing to impregnate you on the basis that you will raise the child alone, but to "get pregnant" by someone on purpose is wrong. (Then to hit him up for child support makes it worse)

    If you really want this, then it is worth traveling to the U.S. for a donor. Or you could adopt. There's nothing wrong with being a single mom or the idea of having a child without a man involved, but please go about it in a moral way.

    As far as dating/finding a husband, good luck. I've always been told that you will find him when you least expect it.

  9. First ask yourself some questions.  Why do you want a baby at this point?  Are you truly ready to start over with a little one?  Do you just want to fill the void of loneliness with a baby.  

    Also, have you tried praying about it? I think that you should let go and let God. If you still feel that you want to go ahead with this you could always get donor sperm.  Women are having kids later in life and you can even freeze your eggs and wait a while.  Now if you really don't want to wait then maybe you can ask an old school friend or a good friend to be a donor for you but I think the sperm bank will serve the purpose for you.   If you choose to use a good friend as donor be sure to have a contract on expectations, i.e, no contact with the child, no support expected just simply a donor.  That type of thing....

    Think about it some more and best wishes with your decision.

    [edit] There are lots of great single moms so don't let that discourage you.  Also, you can try babysitting for someone or doing foster care to be sure that you are truly ready to start all over again.

    [edit] I understand not having a clinic nearby so if you go with just a casual or business arrangement be sure to ask for a current STD screening report.  If you find someone who is willing to help your cause he will be willing to take the tests.  Be mindful that you will have to answer a lot of questions when the child grows up and he/she may resent not know the father and if there are medical issues you will need to know the father's family medical history.  What if the child needed blood or an organ that only the dad could provide.  

    Did you run all of this by your daughter?

    Don't mean to give all of these what ifs but I was just thinking about it....


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