
Wanna hear a brand new "ghost story"?Give your opinion.?

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I'm babysitting & a guy(family member) came over.He was telling me that he"s staying in the family"s house that they"re remodeling to sell? I asked him if it was one of the historical houses. He said yes. Asked him if it was haunted & laughed. He looked spooked & said he didn't know...but one time the bathroom light was turned off on the switch...when he was the only one there & the radio changed stations too. I'm gonna see if I can go see inside the house some day. He didn't want to talk about it.He didn't want to hear anything about Paranormal. I was surprised he had anything to tell me. I told him it was probably electrical. He said "I sure hope so!" Hey Kelly...Wanna go with me???LOL 'll report back! LOL (ok can go to if you'll behave!!)He said it was built in 1887.




  1. hey denie, id love to come...but its just to far away lol so youll have to report most will tell you it will be the electrics cause of the age of the house.....

    hey while i have a little bit of spare time, ive been looking into the Meteora cliff top monastries...i find them just fasinating...i looked them up some time ago, and read (but i cannt remember where) in one of the monastries, snakes come for one day of the year...and fill up the monastrie then they leave...and only that one day... do you know of that story at all denie, i would ask as a question, but feel its a bit to religious for this section ????? what do you think....

    the house from what he says, properly is haunted, who knows but not because of the age of the home, but from what he has experienced....sometimes things just happen and then never repeat again, as if someone could of been just running through ~~~~~~~~~~~~

  2. Denie, just because a place is historical doesn't mean it is haunted :) that would be like saying all the classic cars out there are haunted lol*joke* but some of those events can be explained this is my opinion i hope i did not sound rude :(

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~

  3. wait what. im sorry but i have no idea what u just said sorry!:(




  4. Denie Team is right, But it could be haunted. It is old and historical and should be easy  enough to check any deaths or violence on the property. Even then that does not mean it is or is not haunted.

    I differ from many paranormal investigators in that I do not think  tragic events have to happen for a haunting. that does not mean those who think this way are wrong, I just happen to have a broader range of belief.One reason is my first ghost was not a suicide or violence he was just an old man who died naturally of old age. This to some investigators is not even considered for investigating because it does not meet their criteria for a hunting. Again that does not mean they are wrong but that is their belief. I might believe that way also if my ghost had not appeared to me but of course if he had not I would be a skeptic today.

    by all means go do a little investigating. go with the attitude of finding faulty wiring or something but also keep an open mind and  be open to new experiences. You never know.

    There are two types of beliefs among investigators which either belief is not wrong or right it is just differences in the two. One is that ghosts are everywhere and the other is ghosts are not everywhere.  I am always changing my beliefs depending on experiences but as of now I believe that ghosts are everywhere but they just aren't always seen by everyone.


  5. I admire you. You're very curious about if it is really haunted or not. 1887 you said it was built right? Now he said that the lights were turning on and off and the radio was messed up. You're right...could be a glich...but it could be a trickster spirit. Tell him it's probably a ghost trying to scare him that it's probably nothing. Then again if it keeps in ghost hunters.

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