
Wanna take a crack at this one, dream interpreters?

by  |  earlier

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I recently had the most screwed up, racist dream of my life, and I wanted to see if anyone could interpret it. Here we go:

I was black in this dream (I'm white in real life (actually I'm very white in real life (think of an average white guy. Now bleach him. That's me.))) So me and my black friend (He's only a dream friend, though) broke into this one guys house. While stealing stuff the wife of the house came out, and my friend put his hand over her eyes and somehow fooled her into thinking he was her husband. Then they went into the other room and did stuff...

Me in the first room see the husband coming in through the door. I yell at my friend to get going, but it's too late. The husband sees both of us and chases after us. So me and my friend run like lightening, jumping over fences in single bounds, successfully leaving the husband behind. We then hide in what my friend called a "lard shed". We get inside, and it's dark, but we can see a bunch of burlap sacks, which we're on top of, filled with lard, which is leaking onto us.

My friend looks over at me and tells me to check if the husband is out there. So I look through the shed door and see the husband standing pretty far away with a bazooka aimed at us. The last I saw in the dream was from the rocket's point of view as it flew at me and my friend, us screaming. After an explosion I woke up.




  1. i wish I could ask you some questions about your life, because this

    dream seems like someone who is in darkness: things will get messy

    and blow up in your face.

    Take care.

  2. haha that made me laugh

  3. Stop playing Grand Theft Auto so much.

  4. when you dream you dream in symbols . these symbols are created in the sub-conscious to help us deal with problems in our lives that we can't or won't deal with in the awake state. this dream indicates a negative side of you. (i'm not a rascist so please don't take my answer as one.) the black side is like a negative of a picture that hasn't been developed yet. this is a side that probably is nothing like the real person you actually are. you seem to be a person who would break into someones house and steal from them where your negative side would. because this isn't something you would do and you ran to escape punishment in your dream your sub-conscious still feels that you need to be punished for what you did wrong. and the punishment it dealt out was to die for your crime. this is why i believe you would not actually behave in this negative type of behaviour in the awake state.  

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